Santosh Krishnan, a type 2 diabetic decided to rise above his excuses to lead by example. Santosh had an HBA1C reading of 8.4 which was alarming for a diabetic. In August 2017, Santosh with the help of a personal coach decided to turn his life around, setting a long-term goal of reversing diabetes which was holding him back from his desired quality of life. Initially his levels were (Fasting: 176, Post Prandial: 204, Weight: 77kgs ) and results didn’t come easy or instantly but with a great level of patience and determination tethered with a supervised diet and exercises, he brought down his levels to ( Fasting: 95, Post Prandial: 139, Weight: 69.8 kgs ). Today, he has an HBA1C reading of 6.8 which is completely normal. When asked, Santosh had much to say about his achievement and he was immensely proud of himself. Presenting his story in his own words.

Santosh Krishnan
Before (Left) After (Right)
“My journey with GOQii started in the month of April 2017. Being a follower of Luke Coutinho on Facebook, I wasn’t new to the world of health and fitness. One day I happened to come across a fitness band called GOQii on my friend’s wrist and immediately ordered one for myself.
Ever since I came on board the GOQii Platform, there has been no turning back. However, it was not a smooth journey. Later, I got to know that Luke was the Master Coach at GOQii. My journey with GOQii has had its ups and downs and I remember at one point I was corresponding directly with Vishal Gondal, the Founder, and CEO of GOQii because things didn’t go my way. I recall the time when I had changed three coaches in a span of four months, ultimately realizing that it was me who needed a makeover on my attitude, but as you will understand, it is easier to blame someone else than take it upon oneself.
My current coach has played a crucial rule in my health. I’m a type 2 diabetic and there was a time when my sugar readings were extremely high. Over the past 6 to 8 months we have made small changes to my lifestyle by introducing new elements like the consumption of ACV, actively keeping a track of all my required activities, which by the way has helped me immensely by giving me an understanding of where I stand and what I should do.
Regular workouts, optimum intake of water, cutting down on junk were the few steps I took combined with my coach’s presence and motivation which was irreplaceable. We know there’s a long way to go and my goal is to totally go off pills. It might be a farfetched goal but with self-belief and my coach’s constant presence, I definitely think it’s possible.”
What did his GOQii Coach have to say?
Santosh’s GOQii Coach was very enthusiastic to talk about her client and was very proud of his achievements. Here is what she had to say: “Santosh’s goal was to reverse diabetes and become healthy again. After my initial call with him, I understood that he’s focused and knows what he wants for himself. We began with basic exercises gradually including cardio and body exercises to the regime. We worked on a schedule per his convenience, I also advised him about the importance of frequent meals, pre-workout and post work out meals, water etc, which he followed religiously. It was a pleasure to see his data on the dashboard, which motivated me to concentrate more on his progress”.
“He seems to have taken charge of his health and his recent reports show that his sugar levels have come down drastically. He lost around three kgs and reduced a few inches on the waist as well. Santosh is super happy with his progress and so am I. It feels great to be a part of his amazing journey,” she adds.
Santosh has left no space for self-doubt in his endeavours and has been patient, constantly pushing his limits to further improve his glittering morale and a healthier lifestyle.