If you’re a kid, summer has to be the most awaited season for you as it spells the beginning of vacations! As an adult, there are many things you need to worry about. There are things such as dehydration, heatstroke and a few other precautions you need to maintain whether you’re indoors or outdoors.
What Happens to Your Body During Summer?
Your body undergoes so many changes in the heat. For instance:
- Heatstroke: Puts pressure on your heart
- Dehydration: Causes your brain to shrink, causes headaches, confusion, itchy eyes, heart palpitations and sleep issues
- Muscle cramps and lethargy: because your body uses energy to lower your body temperature
- Itchiness: under or around the eyes, around your body because of sweat being stuck under your skin
- Nausea: due to the rise in body temperature
- Low blood pressure as your heart has to work harder to supply blood to the body due to the heat.
The above issues can be fixed or avoided by adopting very simple lifestyle changes to beat the heat!
1. Hair Care
Your scalp sweats more during summer. Your hair may become frizzy and dry. While washing your hair every day might seem like a good idea, it may remove natural oils from your scalp which might result in dandruff and hair loss. You can try massaging your head to increase blood flow to your hair roots. Wash your hair every alternate day.
2. Face and Skincare
The sun’s harmful UV Rays may damage your skin resulting in brown spots, tanning and wrinkles if proper care isn’t taken. It is imperative to avoid the sun between 10 am to 2 pm as the temperature is quite high at noon. If you must venture out, use a sunscreen and appropriate protection to avoid any damage.
The best time to venture out during summer is either early in the morning or late evening as exposure to the sun is also important to strengthen bones and improve immunity as well as correcting sleep and mood.
3. Clothing
Choosing the right clothes will help you deal with the summer heat properly! Light colors are the way to go. Avoid dark colors and stick to cotton clothes or khadi which has the ability to absorb heat and cool down by itself. Avoid silk, nylon and other fabrics that absorb heat and store it.
4. Hydration
This is the key to stay healthy during summer! As mentioned above, dehydration can cause a lot of health issues. Drink at least 2-3 liters of water a day. Always have a bottle of water handy and keep sipping even if you aren’t thirsty.
You can also opt for coconut water, fresh fruit juices, sugarcane juice, herbal iced tea, buttermilk, or yoghurt. You can make your own natural drink by adding salt, a piece of jaggery, basil seeds, or mint/lemon drops to your water to replenish your body with electrolytes.
Foods That Help You Beat the Heat
- Watermelon: When your body needs hydration, watermelon is the fruit to go to! It contains 90% water, is rich in Vitamin A and C. It helps you stay hydrated, protects your heart circulating system and acts against muscle and headaches.
- Cucumber: acts as a natural body coolant, reducing body heat. It also helps you stay hydrated as it contains 95% water and it is rich in copper, potassium, vitamin B, C, K and Manganese.
- Onion: One must carry an onion in a pocket to beat the summer heat. Onion acts as a body coolant by helping the body temperature cool down quickly and prevent a heat stroke. It can be consumed raw or added to a salad which can protect you from many diseases and infections. If you face nose bleeding issues during summer, inhale an onion to stop the bleeding.
- Coconut Water: is loaded with Vitamin A, C and minerals like potassium, calcium, manganese and magnesium. It helps you stay hydrated with these essentials nutrients.
- Basil Seeds: These small seeds have wonderful cooling effects. It improves hair and skin health and prevents diseases due to its anti-inflammation, antioxidant and antibacterial properties.
- Yoghurt: strengthens the gut and improves immunity. 2-3 servings of yoghurt or curd can do wonders for your body. To enhance its benefits, add berries to yoghurt or consume either Lassi or buttermilk.
- Barley Water: with a drop of lemon is an excellent summer coolant. It also cures urinary tract infection. You can either drink this cold or warm to replenish yourself with a good amount of fibre, vitamins and minerals.
Foods to Avoid During Summer
The scorching summer heat affects the digestive system severely. It’s best to avoid certain foods.
- Junk Foods: can cause indigestion and food poisoning
- Heaty Foods: Avoid red meats and spices such as nutmeg, chillies, ginger, pepper and cinnamon that generate too much heat
- Dairy Foods: Skip high fat dairy foods such as cheese or ghee that might upset the stomach. Their high fat content may also result in pimples on the face.
- Hot Beverages: Avoid tea, coffee and aerated drinks that leave you dehydrated and affect the kidneys.
Incorporate these changes and you’re all geared to beat the heat this Summer! Get more summer tips here or speak to a GOQii Coach by subscribing for Personalised Health Coaching here.
Good article.
Also, your body demands more fluids….so going in for chhachh( buttermilk), lassi, coconut water, sattu, beer etc, and adding citrus and seasonal fruits is a great idea!
Thanks, Great ideas, Summer is ahead so stay hydrated.
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