Shhh! No, don’t say it. Nooo, don’t even think of it! Today, we will not discuss anything about diet because May 6th every year is celebrated as No Diet Day. Today is the day of challenging the idea of one “right” body type and embracing body diversity.
What is International No Diet Day?
At the heart of International No Diet Day is the celebration of body acceptance. In a society that runs around appearance and size, this day helps to refocus on what is the real essence of life – a healthy lifestyle and self-love.
Mary Evans, a British feminist started this in 1992 after battling body shaming, anorexia and bullying for years. She encouraged fellow women to join her and wear “Ditch the Diet” stickers and fully embrace their bodies for a day. After that, May 6th participants wear blue ribbons, put away the scales and completely enjoy the way they are.
Bodies are beautiful irrespective of shapes and sizes – this is what we need to accept. For far too long, health has been associated with unrealistic body types and unhealthy, dangerous FAD diets. No Diet Day is the day when we incorporate the promotion of a healthy lifestyle for all body types.
How Do You Celebrate No Diet Day?
- Recognize that your body is completely beautiful as it is and reduce your push towards shedding weight to make it look a certain way. Everybody is unique.
- Stress-free about your final outcome and more about how you can stay active and keep your body healthy.
- Rapid reduction of weight or emphasizing on unrealistic body types is a way of causing yourself harm instead of getting healthy.
- So today eat what you love, eat what you have always loved from childhood but were staying away from it because of diet or thinking about calories. Remember to keep it in moderation though. Avoid binging.
- Cook yourself with your favourite foods!
- You will be surprised how liberating it feels to not judge yourself by a number, so push your weighing scales away. And just enjoy your being.
- Also learn about various eating disorders the youth suffer from which are detrimental and encourage people for self-love.
- Look at the positive side about your body instead of focusing on the negative aspects. Think about everything you like in yourself.
- Take this day to be kind with your body, take a long bath or just dance all your worries out.
And lastly, be proud of who you are and not ashamed of how someone else sees you.
We hope this article helps you enjoy your No Diet Day! For more exciting topics and information, check out Healthy Reads. You can also begin your Health Story with GOQii by subscribing for Personalised Health Coaching here.
Don’t be shame on your body. It’s you accept it. Thanks. It’s true.