Having flawless skin is every girl’s dream and why not? It only adds to the beauty of her personality. Most girls and women especially try every possible thing to make their skin look healthy and glowing. However, all these efforts are only for the betterment of the outward appearance which means that the actual overall nourishment that is required for the skin is not met. Let me inform you that skin is the largest organ of the body so you can imagine the urge of nutrients that skin needs.
So many people visit a dermatologist for some or the other reason and they do prescribe medicine or foods accordingly. Every now and then you will find a column written on the skin in newspapers and magazines for every season. Still, we don’t pay heed and try to follow the artificially made or let’s say wrongly marketed products for instant results.
There are three types of skin: dry, oily and normal. So accordingly we must look after it in a natural way.
As it is said that ‘You reflect what you eat’.. quality of food does matter to the skin. Here are the precautions we can take to make our skin healthy.
- Drink 2.5 litres of water every day to eliminate toxins, to clear your bowel movements, to increase blood circulations.
- Include fresh fruits and vegetables like oranges, all types of berries, tomatoes, leafy vegetables etc, Oilseeds, green tea to get anti-oxidants, vitamin A, C, E, zinc which also protects your skin from free radicals produced in your body and from ageing.
- Wash your face twice a day at least to keep it clean from dirt and sweat.
- 15 minutes of activity daily will improve blood circulation and hence provide nutrients to the skin.
5 . Do include Amla juice, Aloe Vera juice early in the morning on empty stomach. You can revisit my blog on Aloe Vera
- Try and include a variety of foods to receive a variety of nutrients.
- Be patient for at least 3 months to a year to see the improvement in your skin.
- Include first class proteins and good quality proteins in your diet like milk and it’s products, eggs, chicken etc.
- Include whole grains cereals to get a good amount of fibre to improve digestion.
- Include omega 3 food items like flax seeds, fish, walnuts, soybean etc.
Things to Avoid
- Avoid meat, fish, eggs, fried foods, white flour and it’s products, coffee, tea, soft drinks, alcohol, tobacco.
- Avoid wearing too much of make- up .and do use mineral rich products if you do have to wear make- up.
- Avoid long exposure to the sun (10 am to 4 pm). Do apply sunscreen even if it’s cloudy.
- Avoid dehydration as dryness as it leads to wrinkled skin.
You have got an idea on how to maintain healthy skin but, the most important aspect that one should not forget is ‘Keep Smiling’ the best exercise for the face because happy face will always make you look beautiful.