Apart from all the preventive measures we can take against COVID-19, should exercise be considered one of them? Can regular exercise actually protect us against COVID-19? Some might agree whereas others might not. In 1998, a large study showed that mild to moderate exercise performed about 4-5 times a week reduced the risk of dying during the Hong Kong flu outbreak. Could it be the same for COVID-19? Let’s find out!
Some Points to Consider
- Indulging in regular exercise, mild to moderate, for 30-40 minutes, for 4-5 days a week of your own choice whether it is aerobics, dancing, Zumba, push-ups, squats, Pilates, etc. lifts up mood by releasing dopamine and serotonin (happy hormones) which is critical when faced with the challenge of staying inside with limited resources.
- Exercising regularly can lower and keep your blood sugar level and blood pressure maintained, as people with these medical conditions are at high risk of getting infected with the coronavirus and other infections.
- Research shows that exercise can influence the body’s immune system, which is of utmost importance while fighting against infections and viruses.
- Exercise helps you sleep better and manage stress better, which can both be difficult when schedules are disrupted.
- It can reduce the risk of other chronic diseases like heart problems, kidney failure, cancer etc.
Bottom Line
Not much research has been done on COVID-19. At this point in time, it is best to follow WHO guidelines and take necessary measures such as eating right, exercising regularly, maintaining proper hygiene, managing stress and getting good quality sleep. Remember that whatever the disease may be, prevention is always better than cure.
For more information on this topic, on building immunity and for home workouts, tune in to experts on GOQii Play or read more articles on Healthy Reads.
Stay home, stay safe, get active and #BeTheForce!
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