Many times I have come across people saying, ‘I have been avoiding all kind of fats such as ghee, oil, fried foods, cream, cheese since a long time but, I am just been unable to get rid of all the flab’.
If you ask me I would say that there are mistakes people make in the process of burning all those fatty bags. Let’s see what these mistakes are
Mistake 1-CUTTING DOWN ALL KIND OF FATS: The first mistake most make is avoiding fats completely.Fat is the 3rd major nutrient needed by the body for the optimal functioning of various vital systems like cardiovascular system, skeletal system (bones and joints), and neurological system.If you don’t provide the required amount of fat to the body, it will start storing other nutrients like carbohydrates in the form of fat in fear of an emergency.
The key is to avoid bad fats (the fat which is saturated at room temperature like ghee, butter) and opt for good fat(the fat which is liquid at room temperature like vegetable oils and also the fat from nuts and seeds) and have it in moderation.
Mistake 2-HAVING INVISIBLE FATS: Look for the invisible fats which you might be consuming unknowingly.You might be providing invisible bad fats to your body in the form of all kind of processed foods like biscuits, cookies, fast foods, cakes, pastries, ice creams, chocolates etc.
Mistake 3-INACTIVITY: If you are sitting all day in front of the computer, then there is no need for the body to burn the calories and chances are the bodies are storing all kinds of excess calories coming from carbohydrates and proteins in the form of fat.So, do make a habit of getting up from your work seat and walking in the corridor, doing some office desk exercises, just to provide an excuse to your cells to burn the calories consumed during meals.
Mistake 4-SKIPPING MEALS: When you are avoiding your breakfast or lunch, the body goes into the fat-preserving mode in fear of a deadly situation. So keep providing some nutritious food in the form of meals or snacks, at least, every 3 hours to keep your metabolism running.
Mistake 5-STRESS: Stress is an integral part of our lifestyle nowadays and yes, in acute situation, it does reduce the appetite because of the secretion of stress hormone, but a persistent stressed out situation maintains a higher level of cortisol hormones for a longer time, whose job is to replenish the body even after the stress has passed out and this increases your appetite and makes you crave for your favorite desserts. So do try to include some relaxation technique in your day to day life to soothe your body and keep the hormones under control during the stressed out situations.
Mistake 6-SLEEP DEPRIVATION: Here is how disturbed sleeping hours affects your waistline badly-Lack of sleep makes you feel exhausted, makes you skip your workout, makes you crave for some brain stimulant like coffee, tea, and makes you binge on some bad calories while being awake for more hours than sleeping.
Mistake 7- HAVING A HEAVY DINNER: Dinner has always been considered as the only family meal which we have all together. But do you know, at that time, your body is preparing itself for a slowdown at night, your metabolism is at it’s lowest.So anything in excess, especially carbohydrates, which body is unable to digest at that time is getting collected in the central area of your body.That doesn’t mean that you go to bed feeling hungry.Plan it wisely. Have a heavy nutritious evening snack and a light dinner which is low in carbohydrates, moderate in proteins and high in fibres.
Mistake 8-HAVING FRUITS AT WRONG TIME: Combining your fruits with meals and having them post-sunset or at bedtime is a sure way to get those flags on your waistline, as they are again a form of instant carbohydrates.Have them as individual meals or snacks instead.
And if you still feel that you are guilty of none of these mistakes and stuck with these flaws, do consult your doctor. There might be an underlying medical condition like hypothyroid or other hormonal imbalances which is keeping your metabolism disturbed and maintaining all the fatty bags despite your efforts to be healthy and fit.
Thank you. What substitute for sweet craving post dinner. I regularly hv a fruit or chikki .
Am pretty active ,but gained fat around my waistline and hips..
No medical issues.