Lungs are the most important organs of the body as it involves the breathing process. Proper functioning of the lungs is critical for all the other body parts to function well. Recent global health challenges, exemplified by the impact of respiratory infections like COVID-19, SARI, and ILI, underscore the critical importance of pulmonary health. Though we all know Pranayamas are controlled breathing or breathing exercises in Yoga, actual control of breathing starts with Yoga Asanas or the postures. Each Asana has its own breathing pattern. Breath or Prana is the primary source of energy or the force that keeps us alive. So, it is important to keep our lungs healthy and strong. Practising simple yoga asanas can have huge benefits on our lungs and overall health. Here are 5 simple Yoga Asanas which can strengthen our lungs with other benefits.
Simple Yoga Asanas To Strengthen Lungs
1. Tadasana (Mountain Pose)
This posture fills the lungs with plenty of fresh air as we inhale, expanding the rib cage and abdomen. All the alveoli in the lungs are filled with extra oxygen, enhancing the lungs’ performance.
- Stand straight with both feet 2 inches apart
- Inhale deep and raise both arms over the head, interlocking fingers with palms facing up
- Lift both the heels slowly, raising your entire body upward
- Balance your entire body on your toes
- Hold the position for few seconds while inhaling and exhaling normally
- Slowly exhale while lowering the hands and heels down
- Return to the rest position
2. Trikonasana (Triangle Pose)
This asana opens up the chest cavity, allowing the airways to open for the lungs to receive air easily.
- From a standing straight position, spread your legs apart for 3-4 feet
- Turn the right foot out 90 degrees toward the right
- Turn the left foot about 30 degrees inwards to the right
- Inhale and raise both the arms up on the sides, keeping the shoulders relaxed
- Exhale and slowly bend your body to the right side
- Try to touch your right foot with your right hand until the body is parallel to the ground and spine is straight
- Slowly lift the left arm upward in line with the right arm
- Hold this position for a few seconds while looking up toward the tip of the left hand
- Slowly inhale and raise up your body. Exhale and bring down the arms on your sides
- Repeat the same on the other side now
3. Ardha Matsyendrasana (Half Fish Pose)
This posture expands the chest and lungs on both sides
- Sit on the floor with the legs stretched in front, feet together
- Bend the right knee and keep the right foot with the sole up
- Sit on the right heel so that the left side of the sitting fits on the arch of the right sole
- Take the left foot over the right side of the right knee
- Keep the left foot flat on the floor
- Relax the shoulder and straighten up the spine
- Place the right arm on the outside of the left knee with hand facing up
- Inhale while lifting the rib and exhale while slowly twisting the spine towards the left
- Keep the right palm flat on the back of your right foot
- Turn your head towards the back from left side
- Maintain the pose for few seconds
- Slowly exhale and get back to the sitting position
- Repeat the same on the other side
4. Bhujangasana (Cobra Pose)
Though there are many benefits through this pose, it expands the chest and lungs to improve the lung capacity
- Lie down with face down and feet together
- Forehead should be touching the ground
- Place both palms on the side of your shoulders
- Elbows are close to the body
- Inhale and tighten the hip and the tailbone
- As you exhale, draw the shoulders back, lifting the upper body
- Back and abdominal muscles are stretched
- Look straight or towards the ceiling as much as you are comfortable
- Hold the position for few seconds
- Exhale and return to the face down lying position
5. Shashankasana (Rabbit Pose)
This is one among the easy poses that is suitable for everyone. This is also called as child pose or Baalasana. It improves the lung capacity, expands the back part of the lungs, relieves upper and lower back issues and addresses spine issues
- Sit in Vajrasana (Sitting on your feet with soles facing up and knees bent)
- Inhale and slowly raise both the arms upwards straight above the head
- Your abdomen and chest cavity are raised up with spine erect in this position
- Now slowly exhale and bend forward with the spine erect
- Let the abdomen rest on your knees
- Hand stretched straight and rested on the floor above the head
- Maintain this position for few seconds to few minutes while breathing normally
- Inhale and raise your body and arms up
- Get back to the Vajrasana position
All these Asanas have many other benefits on our health including increased flexibility, metabolism, toning the abdominal muscles and spinal health. People with back issues, neck issues, spine issues need to be cautious while doing any Yoga postures. It is always good to learn Yoga Asanas under good guidance. People having serious or chronic medical issues need to consult their doctors before doing Yoga.
We hope you try out these 5 simple Yoga Asanas to strengthen lungs and level up your health! For more articles on yoga, check out Healthy Reads or reach out to our certified experts by subscribing to GOQii’s Personalised Health Coaching here.
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Very nice information
Thank you for posting few valuable tips you have shared. I want to know if any specific pranayama technique is also related. Glad if you share..
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Complete informational blog. Great
Great blog, must read for all!!
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