India is popular for its spicy food. The sheer number of whole and ground spices used in Indian foods is sometimes intimidating. Each dish has its own combination of spices and its own unique flavour. The spices not just add flavour to your food but they also have many health benefits. Rich in antioxidants, vitamins, minerals and other nutrients, most spices are good for your health. Some of the spices also improve your metabolic rate and help in losing weight. Here is a list of Indian spices that help your body to burn more fat. So, spice up your dishes!
According to a recent study, cinnamon may boost your metabolism. This sweet, fragrant spice also regulates your blood pressure. It lowers level of total cholesterol, bad cholesterol, triglyceride and blood sugar in type 2 diabetes patients. Cinnamon increases the metabolism of glucose by around 20 times. This spice will help you lose weight faster.
How to Use?
You can prepare cinnamon, honey and lemon drink- boil a pinch of cinnamon in a cup of water. Sieve and add a tablespoon of honey and squeeze some lemon into it.
The pungent, yellow spice is known for its anti-bacterial, anti-inflammatory, anti-viral, anti-mutagenic, anti-carcinogenic and anti-fungal properties. It also helps you lose excess weight. The spice ups your body heat and this can result in improved metabolism.
Use it in your curries, chicken and in milk to gain the health benefits of turmeric.
The spicy ginger regulates your blood sugar levels and helps prevent an increase in the level of glucose. Like turmeric, ginger has thermogenic or fat-burning properties. You can add it to your stir-fried vegetables or tea or chicken. It improves the taste and helps you in weight loss.
Prepare a Jeera (Cumin) Ginger drink.
Boil a tsp of Jeera and some crushed ginger in a glass of water. Boil till it starts reducing, sieve it and Drink after 30mins of lunch and dinner to ease digestion.
Black Pepper
Black pepper has a pungent flavour, thanks to the presence of the substance known as piperine and this substance also prevent new fat cell formation. The bioavailability of other foods is also increased by black pepper. It makes the food not only tasty but also healthy. If u eat fresh pepper and begin to perspire, that’s the pepper helping your body to get rid of excess water and toxins. But, you need to control consumption, a pinch with your food (one meal) is enough.
Black Pepper Tea.
Easy to prepare and the best way to consume black pepper for weight loss. You can use ginger, lemon, honey, tulsi (basil leaves), cinnamon, or green tea bags to prepare the tea.
Use 1/2-1 tsp freshly ground black pepper and drink it before breakfast.
Regular consumption will not only help you in losing weight but also improve your skin and prevent gut problems.
Do not consume too much as it may cause gastrointestinal problems, burning sensation in eyes, stomach irritation. If you feel uneasy, stop the use of black pepper immediately.
Adding garlic to your diet will help you burn the increased amount of fat and lose weight faster. Try to use fresh garlic instead of garlic powder or granules.
Here’s how it works…
- Garlic stimulates the satiety hormone which reduces binge eating, sugar cravings, junk food, and oily stuff.
- It releases the norepinephrine, a neurotransmitter which boosts metabolism.
- The allicin present in it lowers blood pressure, cholesterol and insulin levels.
- Garlic inhibits the process breaking down stored fats.
- It is a powerful detoxifier and effective diuretic.
- It contains trace minerals (sulphur, selenium, and magnesium, zinc, copper and iron), amino acids and vitamins A, C, and E.
- It helps to dissolve blood clots that lead to Heart stroke.
- It has anti-inflammatory and anti-bacterial properties.
- It helps to remove excess mucus from the body.
- Squeeze juice of 1 lemon in a cup of water.
- Chew 3 garlic cloves followed by the lemon water.
- Or add crush the garlic cloves, stir in the lemon water and drink.
- Repeat the process every morning.
These spices will help you to shed those extra kilos but you also need to change your lifestyle to a healthier one and should have a healthy diet.
Garlic is present almost to all of my meals is there a fair amount to have it’s effectiveness boosted?