In the current scenario, we spend most of our time sitting in front of our desktops or laptops. Our job profiles demand that we spend 8-10 hours a day in front of our systems. This causes many problems such as neck, back, elbow, knee and wrist pain. One of the most common reasons for these kinds of aches and pain is the “Ergonomics” which most of us are not aware of.
It is very important to take care of this, as it leads to undue stress on the muscles and joints leading to injuries and pain. Ergonomics is basically the work environment or workstation where we work. This includes the designing of the chair, table, its height, and the work environment like ventilation, lighting, etc.
What Can Be Done To Avoid Injuries at Work?
- Height of the laptop should be at eye level so that you don’t have to slouch when operating your system. When operating a desktop, make sure you sit straight without putting any undue pressure on the muscles and joints due to incorrect posture.
- The seat should have a proper neck and back support according to the curve of the spine. If not available on the office chair, you can opt for some neck and back supports which can be attached to your chairs. If it is not supported, the stress on the muscles would lead to injuries, therefore, decreasing work efficiency.
- The chair should have armrest so your arms can be supported properly. Arms and elbows should be fully supported while typing on a laptop or desktop to avoid undue pressure on the joints. In short, they should be parallel to the armrest.
- Height of the table should be such that your arms are parallel to it and no pressure is there on the shoulders. If the elbows would be higher or lower than the table they would create a stress on the wrist and shoulder muscles too.
- Try taking breaks between work. After every half an hour, try to stretch your muscles. Simple repetition of 2 or 3 times for each muscle and joint would also help. Stretches can be simple and for all the joints.
- Use a Bluetooth or hands-free when using your phone for long calls. Cradling the phone while working can lead to undue stress and cause injuries.
- Make sure that your feet are supported on the footrest when you are sitting. They should also be stretched during the break. If you can walk around for 5 minutes every hour, that would be great for your muscles as well as your mind.
- Keep yourself hydrated as dehydrated muscles and cartilage get injured more easily.
- Ensure the room where you are working has good lighting and ventilation. As good light and fresh air are a must for a fresh mind and good health.
Home Treatment For Injuries at Work
- Apply an ice pack on the injuries to reduce inflammation
- Use supports and rectify the posture to prevent further damage
- Take rest for one or two days so that the injury settles down
- Consult a doctor if the pain is very severe so that if any medication is needed, it can be prescribed
- Focus on strengthening exercises to make your muscles strong
- Stretch regularly so that flexibility is maintained and further injury can be avoided
Try to follow the tips mentioned above and see the difference in your health. Stay active and keep going! If this article helped you, let us know in the comments below.
If you need help with stretches or exercise, book a live, interactive GOQii PRO class with an expert through the GOQii App now!
The following tips in this blog to prevent injuries at Work are very interesting and very helpful.
Very informative and helpful article. Patients who have Injuries at Work should consult their healthcare providers for appropriate treatment.