More than often, we get disheartened if we are not able to achieve our goal well on time or if we face obstacles in achieving it. It’s not just related to our health journey but the journey of life as well. We face so many challenges on a daily basis. While some face them bravely by being positive and firm, others get discouraged or depressed for not being able to face failures. The way we deal with issues is different for each individual and that is okay!
Life is not about going through it passively, it’s about living it actively. Yes! Living life to the fullest. Joy comes from facing challenges head on, setting goals and giving it a 100% to achieve them with full zeal and spirit.
But how can we do it? That’s the big question with a very simple solution.
Yes, we need to understand that visualization is powerful enough to solve any problems that we face. Many of us don’t even realize that this power lies within us, all we need to do is use it.
We know that our body and mind are connected and our emotions are linked with our actions, right? For instance, if we are sad/depressed due to any reason, it reflects in our behavior. If we get irritated or angry/frustrated, the turmoil of emotions affects our health negatively.
It’s simple! Just concentrate on your thoughts. What kind of thoughts are wandering in your mind? These thoughts have an impact on your feelings, emotions and actions. Trust me, if we are aware of the thoughts creeping in our mind, we have the power to change that thought, at that very moment. Don’t let the bad or negative thoughts enter your mind or affect you. There are thousands of thoughts in our mind. So, how many of them are we going to stick to or store, so that they can bother us? Make sure its none of the negative ones.
- Just close your eyes and visualize. For instance, if someone has a health goal of losing weight, but due to some reason, the player is not able to achieve it or is not getting the desired result in the stipulated time, the player might have some negative thoughts. The player may feel that ‘this goal cannot be achieved’ or ‘I can’t do it’. At this very moment, the player can stop this negative thought from entering his/her mind and instead visualize the positive, coming out of any fear that affects his/her mind.
- Wake up every day with a positive mind and visualize. Visualize the day, how you are going to achieve your goal, what’s your target for the day and strive to fulfill that.
- Never give up! It’s okay if you can’t achieve your target today, try again tomorrow.
- If losing weight is the target, visualize that the habit, diet or exercise regime you are following is working for you and getting you closer to your goal. If any medical condition, then envisage that the treatment or the medication is working for you and improving your health.
Hence, it’s not only the physical aspect that we need to work on but the mind as well. Detoxifying our mind is equally important as detoxifying our body.
- This has to be done every single day – Morning and night. Morning, you make an affirmation and visualize how you’re going to work on it. At night, introspect on how it all went and how the day was, just for a few minutes.
- As soon as you wake up, make an affirmation with closed eyes. Spend a few minutes with yourself every morning and night.
- Set it for a shorter duration or you can even set it for a week so that you can stick to it. Affirmations could be as simple as, “I will follow all my habits today”, or “I will be active today”, or “I will not get angry today”.
- The key is to be committed and dedicated.
Once you start this process, you will see how your life changes positively. So go ahead and make one right now!
We hope you found this article insightful. Please share your thoughts in the comments below. For further guidance on holistic well-being, explore Healthy Reads, or speak to a GOQii Coach by subscribing for Personalised Health Coaching here.
Amazing read. She’s a good coach too. Thank you
I want to join this challenge
Excellent article. Some examples of how to visualize instead of just the narrative would be most helpful. Thank you.
Its nice