Cinnamon, an aromatic spice, is obtained from the inner bark of a tropical evergreen tree belonging to the laurel family. This hot and sweet spice does not only add a special flavour to different cuisines but also helps in combating health conditions such as diabetes, cancer, stomach flu, cold, cough and tooth decay among others.
Let us have a detailed look at the benefits of Cinnamon.
Type 2 Diabetes: It has been proved time and again that cinnamon helps in controlling blood sugar levels and is thus beneficial for Type 2 diabetes patients. Researchers state that cinnamon bark contains potassium, manganese, chromium, copper, calcium, iron iodine, phosphorus, vitamins A, Bi, B2, C and zinc that help in preventing and curing diabetes.
As per a study published in the Journal of Diabetic Medicine, the blood sugar levels of the participants who had cinnamon supplements showed greater improvement as compared to those who had the standard diabetes medicine.
Stomach Flu: Stomach infection can give you sleepless nights. While pain killers may give instant relief however doctors advice against these as they may cause adverse side effects. Cinnamon, known for its strong anti-bacterial properties, is an effective way to cure this condition. The strong anti-bacterial properties of this wonder spice helps in destroying the Salmonella, Campylobacter and Escherichia coli bacteria that cause stomach flu. Cinnamon also works faster as compared to other natural herbs.
Cancer: Cinnamon is also known to prevent cancer. Researchers claim that cinnamon extracts limit the growth of various kinds of cancer including melanoma cancer, colorectal cancer, cervical cancer and lymphoma cancer. It is said that this super spice interferes with a protein that aids the tumors in establishing blood supply which is imperative for their growth.
Weight Loss: Regular consumption of cinnamon helps in thinning your blood and improving blood circulation. Proper circulation of blood in the body boosts your metabolism and thus helps you lose weight. However, studies show that coumarin, the ingredient that mainly helps in thinning the blood is found in large amount in cassia cinnamon and regular and high dose of this particular ingredient is not good for your liver.
Cold and Flu: One of the most common problems, especially during the changing season, cold and flu may also be prevented with the consumption of this aromatic spice. It is the anti-bacterial and warming properties of cinnamon that help in fighting against this ailment.
Besides these, cinnamon also helps in curing arthritis, heart disease, irritable bowel syndrome, depression, Parkinson’s disease and boosts concentration power.
How to Have Cinnamon?
It is best to boil a few cinnamon sticks in water for some time and add some honey to it. You may even add ginger to it to make it more effective. Various brands sell cinnamon tea however it is better not to go for these as they have artificial flavourings and very little anti-bacterial properties.
It is also recommended to go for Ceylon cinnamon and not Cassia cinnamon which is readily available at the retail stores. This is because cassia cinnamon contains high levels of coumarin which may damage the liver.
what a nice spice is this cinnamon thanks for sharing health benefits of cinnamon