It is that time of your life when you want to look the best and fit. It’s your big day when you are going to tie the knot with your groom or bride and get hitched for life. So if you’re on your way to get married, now is a good time to take your health and appearance more seriously.
*Diet: If you’re over weight or underweight consult a dietician to help you with a healthy balanced diet. Resist the temptation to crash diet. Instead of skipping meals, focus on what you eat: keep a food diary for two weeks and you will soon recognize your weak points. Eat healthy for a brighter fresher look, cut down on junk food and sugar, but go gaga over salad, sprouts, green leafy vegetable and of course water.
*Get enough protein – Your body uses 20-30% more energy to digest protein foods than carbohydrates. Make sure you have some protein rich food such as like fish, chicken, turkey, eggs, milk & milk products, nuts like almonds & walnuts, tofu, soybean or pulses during each meal.
*Make time for fitness – There’s no way around it, no quick fix or magic pill. Exercise is the magic pill! Not only does it help you shed pounds, it also reduces stress, rejuvenates your mood and helps you sleep. If you are just starting out after a long break from exercise, commit to 10 minutes a day and build up from there. Start any kind of cardiovascular exercise like jogging, walking, swimming, cycling or aerobics.
Below are few home remedies that will help maintain your Skin and Hair.
*Cleansing (Papaya): Cut a ripe papaya with skin, in the size of a bar of soap. Store it in your fridge. Everyday rub the pulp over your face and neck in a circular motion like you would with soap, keeping the skin side towards your palm. Rinse a bit later, this hydrates the skin well. Do this twice a day.
*Moisturizing (Aloe Vera): Aloe Vera is a gift for the skin. Massaging extracts of Aloe Vera all over the skin, provides essential nutrients, leaving your skin smooth and glowing.
*Hot oil hair massage: Apply olive oil and almond oil because they are healthy in nature and will enrich your hair with fatty acids and vitamins.
*Home made hair mask: Take 1 banana and mash it. Add 3 to 4 drops of almond oil and mix it well and massage it into the hair. Keep it for 30 minutes and wash with a mild shampoo.
Use these tips on regular basis to make your hair and skin healthy and soft.
*Sleep well – Get eight hours of sleep and do not take unnecessary stress. Research shows that stress and lack of sleep contribute to weight gain. Simply being conscious of the stress, trigger in your life and having a plan of how to deal with them when they come up will make a world of difference. You can’t always control, what comes your way, but you can control how you react to it.
So what are you waiting for get ready to be fit and look beautiful before the D Day!
very healthy information. All the Best.