Did you know….that As we breathe and live life, day- on today, we also accumulate toxins into our bodies?. That’s right…we are exposed to toxins on a fairly consistent basis. Some of these accumulate due to our diet and others are due to the environment around us. Of course, our lifestyle also adds to it—if you smoke or drink alcohol on a regular basis you tend to accumulate more toxins.
The good news is that your body has a means of processing and eliminating these toxins. Also, when you make healthy changes to your diet or lifestyle…you can help support or maybe even accelerate that process. When you make a healthy change in your diet or lifestyle, this is part of the reason that short-term detox diet plans have gained popularity.
If you should decide to embark on such a plan, it can be a powerful tool. There are, however, a few things to keep in mind. For example, toxins are released into the bloodstream and carried through the circulatory system before being eliminated from your body. This process may result in a headache, diarrhea, or constipation, or symptoms like lack of energy.
The benefits, though, are usually worth the discomfort. Detoxification is one way to cleanse and throw out the toxins out of our body. Interestingly, Linda Page (http://www.webmd.com/linda-page ) , ND, Ph.D., a Naturopathic doctor, lecturer and author of the book ‘Detoxification’ –defines detoxification of the body as “spring cleansing.”
“It’s a way to recharge, rejuvenate, and renew, says Page in her article in WebMD. “Anybody can benefit from a cleansing. The body is coming out of what might be called hibernation. It’s a way you can jump-start your body for a more active life, a healthier life.” “Our bodies naturally detoxify every day,” Page tells WebMD.
“Detoxification is a normal body process of eliminating or neutralizing toxins through the colon, liver.”
There are some nutrition experts who are reluctant to recommend detox diets, so it’s important to be informed. Katerine Zeratsky, specialty editor for the nutrition and healthy eating guide, for example, argues that it may just be because detox diets get rid of a lot of processed foods – which has the effect of making us feel better. And either way, she advises getting the OK from your doctor – especially if you have chronic conditions.
If you decide to move forward, there are several ways to detoxify. There is a “water only” fast (which is pretty straightforward). Interestingly, there has been some evidence to suggest fasting in this way may even help trigger stem cell regeneration (Link: https://news.usc.edu/63669/fasting-triggers-stem-cell-regeneration-of-damaged-old- immune-system/), diet detoxification (adding in food) is another, gentler, strategy. But it’s a bit more involved.
One of the hardest things about detox or cleansing is really knowing what to do and what not to do. One can undergo a Detox day or ten-day detox. The duration and severity of symptoms depend on your lifestyle before making a change and how quickly you make it.
Here are few do’s and don’ts to go on a ‘Detox Diet Day’. The basic key is to think and feel positive and treat yourself with some foods every 2 hours. You would definitely feel lighter the next day. More specifically:
- You can go for a ‘detox day’ once in a week or once in a fortnight. Either way, you want to be sure you don’t go longer than 2 consecutive days.
- When you engage in a detox plan, you are limited to fruits, or homemade fruit/vegetable juices.
- You can have Sautéed/stir fried vegetables or green leafy vegetables in cooked form. You can have boiled vegetables as well.
- Minimize your cereals intake. If you want to have you can have one serving of fibrous cereals like broken wheat (Daliya in Hindi) or one millet flat bread (chapatti) in a day.
- No coffee. No caffeinated tea. You can have green tea if you wish, along with some herbal teas..
- No processed food, No sugar. You can have jaggery in small quantities
- Your meals should be vegetarian.
- You can make soup out of your favorite vegetables and season it with Extra Virgin Cold Pressed Coconut oil. Better to use this oil in all your preparations like salads/soups/stir-frying
- You can have sprouts to feel full
- No milk allowed on a detox day
Make sure that before you go on a detox day, you check with you coach, nutritionist or a doctor about doing it. Once you get the go- ahead, then you can begin. Once you are successful in following all instructions and doing the right things, you will probably also notice that each time you do an effective detoxification, the next time is even easier as you have fewer toxins to process.
And if you’re feeling overwhelmed…take heart. As a health coach, I am personally here to, personally help you get the best results from this valuable health tool.
I am looking for a better way to detox. I didn’t realize that when you are detoxing it is best that your meals should be vegetarian. I will make sure to look into it more, I want to get the best out of detoxing.
well this looks amazing, and great instructions.
Number 5 is a big one on your list of not to do’s when detoxing.
Seems like it is not easy to detox. No coffee and no decaf tea is really something something I can’t live without. What about detox supplement you can recommend?
Its worth to be tried, Keep sharing up…
Thanks for sharing the useful information. It is really a great blog. Also you can know more about on Panchkarma Treatments.
Great ideas
I also have been putting the Isagenix essential oil Content in my water as a way to detox
Thank you for youe article on detoxification.I am on a fruit and vegetable detoxification plan,eating one fruit meal for lunch and one vegetable meal for dinner In the morning I have I glass of soaked prunes in water and around 3p.m. I glass of carrot and orange juice combined.I have lost 6 kilograms in 3 weeks doing that and I am going through some healing crises symptoms ,basically headaches and low energy.As I have a back problem with two slightly flattened discs I have been doing physiotherapy treatments for the back,However after especially the last treatment which was the 4th one I have received while on the detox,I felt very weak and battered and now I question if it is OK to do physiotherapy treatments while on the detox,I will really apreciate it if you could answer my question as soon as you possibly can,Thanking you deeply I remain yours sincerely Elisabeth Delenika