If you go to the gym and are a regular workout person you would not be new to the term dead lift. Dead lift is a compound movement which recruits and involves multiple joints and muscles to perform them. It is also known as King of Exercise.
Deadlift can be done with your back workout or functional workout. Dead lift can be done with Kettle bels, dumbels and barbels. But, most people prefer to perform this exercise with barbels because it gives them better balance and is much heavier than dumbels.
How to perform Dead lift?
Take a shoulder width stance (have distance between your legs). Grip the bar with an overhand or an under/overhand (one hand over, one hand under) and fix spine in a neutral position. Keep your back arch and it should not be rounded. Shoulders should be held back, squeezed tightly, and positioned over the bar. The legs must power the weight up. Towards the top of the movement employ more upper body strength until the weight is at the midway position of the upper thigh. Lower the weight slowly until the bar touches the floor, knees should bend while lowering the weight down, pause and repeat until completion of a set.
Breathing is important when dead lifting. Before you start the movements take a long deep breath. Exhale when lifting the weight up.
Benefits of dead lift
- Being a power/compound movement that involves multiple muscles it burns more fats.
- More muscles are worked in a single exercise.
- Improves posture
- Improves core strength
- Improves grip strength
- Increases muscle mass
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