What is that most crave when thirsty? An aerated cola drink. People think that aerated drink quenches thirst but that is so wrong. Instead, it gets people addicted to it and one largely craves for it due to the presence of varied components such as excess sugar, caffeine etc. One is so addicted to it that it becomes difficult to refrain from it and often end up drinking more than one in a single day. Over consumption of aerated drinks leads to various health disorders, the most common among them all is Obesity.
For all those craving for a cola here are some healthy options.
- Flavoured Water: A good and healthy replacement to the calorie rich sodas/cola’s is flavoured water. One can prepare it easily by using natural flavourings and normal water. For example: Cut slices of fruit like oranges/ lemon/watermelon and add it to water to flavour it naturally. This water can be chilled to enhance its taste. Freeze small cut fruits in water or their pulp to form ice cubes. This same can be used to flavour the water .
- Sparkling water: If you really can’t give up on soda instantly and like something fizzy to drink then you can try some sparkling water. This water is infused with carbon dioxide but is not as acidic as colas/other aerated drinks. There are flavoured sparkling water as well however avoid choosing them as they may contain more sodium and artificial flavours which are unhealthy.
- Vegetable juice: There is also the healthy option of a vegetable juice. A fruit can also be added to the same. Vegetable juices provide your body with plenty of nutrients. For instance a carrot juice provides ample Vitamin A in the form of its precursor beta- carotene. Beta-carotene is a powerful antioxidant that prevents cells from degenerating, helps to slow aging, and maintains a youthful appearance.
- Soy Milk: If you are worried about the calories you can try the low fat options. Soy milk has varied health benefits. One of the several is improving calcium absorption and improving bone mass thus preventing osteoporosis. To gain the maximum benefits choose alternatives that are fortified with calcium and Vitamin D.
- Green Tea (Hot/Iced): Green tea has become more popular and is easily available. With varied flavour options and health benefits it can become a popular cola/soda replacing drink!
So next time think before you grab that cola drink..