Yoga is a Way of life. It aims at overcoming all our dis-qualities like attachments, aversions, hatred, jealousy, and likes and dislikes.
I am here today to share my best yoga poses which have helped me to shape my attitude from negative to a positive and had a great impact on my personality. I don’t do yoga postures just for strength and flexibility. I do yoga postures with a feeling of emotions which have, in turn, helped me imbibe some good qualities within me.
When a dancer dances with the feeling and emotion, that experience is translated down to the audience watching the performance.
“Where goes the hand, there goes the eye,
Where goes the eyes, there goes the mind
From my mind, I create (bhava) feeling
When I create bhava, the observer creates the essence (Rasa)
Rasa is experienced.”
When you do yoga asana, you cannot isolate the body from the mind. You have to apply your mind and feel the asana. This is better done with the below four attitudes.
Let me share what these are.
- Dharma is Right to conduct (DUTY)
This is recognized as a duty, faith, and acceptance. Self-direction is our duty. It is a state of preparedness. It’s an initiative towards being quiet and peaceful and enjoying one’s own company. The asana which can be practiced with this Dharma attitude is Sukhasana, Padmanasa, and Vajrasana.
When you sit in the Sukhasana position, your mind starts to wander the moment you close your eyes. Now it’s your duty towards yourself to develop the silence, develop awareness, become introvert, self-direct, and observe peace.
Apart from asana, it can also be acquired using the following techniques:
- Looking at nature – sea, sky, greenery, flowing river water.
- Listen to nature – soft music, stream flowing, birds chirping, breeze
- Reading stories like Panchatantra, Hatha Yoga Pradipika, or any other books with a positive message
- Prayers
- Jnana (Knowledge)
Jnana is knowledge and is recognized as concentration, coordination, body awareness, self-knowledge and clarity.
Do you desire to have a good concentration? How much? How often are you able to balance your work and home life? If you find this challenging, follow these techniques:
The asanas which helps to achieve the same are Utkatasana, Ekpadasana, Stithprarthasana, Pranayama, and Tadasana.
Other techniques include focusing on one point, playing brain games, and self-analysis.
- Vairagya (Humble)
Vairagya is objectivity. This is recognized as humbleness, relaxation, Letting go attitude, and surrender. It is an ability to view things from a distance. It helps to rise above the situation and view things in a detached way.
Few asanas which helps are Trikonasana, Yog-Mudra, Vakrasana, Konasana-3, and Shavasana.
Other techniques include
- Scream loudly
- Share jokes
- Play physically aggressive games
- Aishwariya (Self-reliance)
Aishwariya is freedom and power. This is recognized as one’s willpower, determination, free from ignorance, fight for justice and higher motives.
It helps to build qualities like strength, effort, willpower, confidence, self-esteem and a sense of achievement.
Asanas include — Bhujangasana, Veerbhadrasana, back-bending postures, and nasal cleaning process.
The attitude of Aishwariya creates a feeling of enthusiasm.
Next time when you do asanas, generate these feelings in you. It works as a reminder all the time and that helps in faster and better growth.
Wish you All A very Happy International Yoga Day!
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Hi Trupti this article is very helpful to overcome stress .Thanks for sharing it.
feeling great. its very important today…..thanks madam….guide us….
Thanks Trupti Hingad for sharing Best yoga poses with Attitudes great article. Yoga assists your body, mind, energies, and feelings to achieve a specific level of maturity that enables you to practice meditation and be one with yourself. The most basic kind of yoga is a namaskar made with folded hands. Thanks
A beginner should start with their eyes closed and, as attentional stability increases, can try meditating with their eyes open, staring at the ground a meter in front of them or even gazing into the space directly in front. Breathing should be done through the nostrils.sukhasana is good pose.
I like beginners yoga. I am not a runner and the body would be difficult to put in many of the positions shown.
This is a good guide to yoga beginners. Its very helpful and great information,I appreciate advise especially coming from a professional.Thanks for sharing these yoga and its benefits.Keep up the great work!