The common cold season is here, where common cold is not that common! Symptoms such as congestion, a runny/stuffy nose, sore throat, coughing, sneezing, body aches, low-grade fever and Malaise (general unwell feeling) run rampant! The Common Cold is an Upper Respiratory Tract Infection (URTI) mostly caused by the Rhinovirus. It is very common during this time of the year but can be managed well with these 5 simple home remedies!
5 Simple Remedies To Fight Common Cold Naturally
- Ginger Ale: Simply boil water, switch off the flame, add a crushed (inch sized) piece of Ginger to it, half tsp turmeric powder, a pinch of black pepper, and cover it for 3-5 minutes. Strain and have it with a tsp of raw organic honey. It works very well for clearing congestion, improve runny nose and also to relieve headaches and a sore throat.
- Chicken/Veg Broth: Boil chicken or any veggies of your choice with 1 onion, few pods of garlic, 1 inch piece of ginger, salt and black pepper. Once boiled, remove the onions, ginger, garlic, blend them and add them back to the broth. The anti-inflammatory properties in them will help reduce congestion, can open up a blocked nose, will give a soothing effect to the body and help in reducing any aches/pains.
- Lukewarm Water Gargles: Gargling with Lukewarm salt water works wonders to clear any throat itching/congestion, as salt has a tendency to absorb the water and along with it the infection causing Microbiota. Best time to do this is early in the morning after waking up.
- Honey-Pepper Mix: Mix 1 tsp of raw organic honey with a pinch of black pepper and half tsp fresh ginger juice. It is a good remedy to reduce dry cough. Works very well on an empty stomach.
- Hot Water Steam: Boil water in an open vessel, add a tsp of turmeric powder or Eucalyptus oil (1-2 drops) in it. Cover your head with a towel while covering the vessel. Take this hot water steam in the morning and evening for 10-15 mins to cure blocked/stuffy nose and/or Chest congestion.
A simple Tulsi leaf decoction will also work wonders in reducing the effects of Common Cold. If this article helped you, let us know in the comments below! Find more articles on staying healthy during the monsoon season here or speak to an expert by subscribing for GOQii’s Personalised Health Coaching here.
This is so helpful thank for it

A Home remedy is as a simply prepared medication or tonic often of unproven effectiveness administered without prescription or professional supervision. Home remedies may or may not have medicinal properties that treat or cure the disease or ailment in question.
Mix 2 teaspoons of honey with equal quantity of ginger juice. The concoction helps to expectorate mucus, providing relief for the common cold, coughs and sore throat.