GOQii’s mission is to provide global access to health professionals who can help you to reach your best health potential. To do that, GOQii has cultivated a community of health coaches to help you on your journey towards better health habits and (by extension) a better quality of life.
Just one thing, though….
What is a health coach?
Is it, like…a guy who is going to blow a whistle at me and tell me what to do throughout the day?
Oh…so it’s someone who is just going to tell me what to eat and when?
Well – what the heck is a health coach, then?
Coaching is a relatively new vocation so far as vocations go. A purist working in an organization like the International Coaching Federation would say that coaching is:“A professional who will partner with clients in a thought-provoking and creative process that inspires them to maximize their personal and professional potential.”
Basically…using this definition – a coach is intended to facilitate a relationship whereby YOU make the decisions about what goals YOU want to commit to. The coach is there to help ask the right questions to help you land on the appropriate goal. The coach is there to provide insights about the patterns he/she notices about what you are doing now. Finally, the coach is there to provide accountability for you by checking in on you regularly and asking about the goals you set in motion.
They use skills like Motivational Interviewing (an evidence based approach that helps people navigate confusion and ambivalence about changes they want to make in life) as well as visualization exercises and Socratic questioning.
So..then…what is a health coach?
A Health Coach is someone who integrates the skills and techniques of coaching (motivational interviewing, socratic questioning, etc.) alongside health education (giving you information that you may not know in order to help you make habit changes that are appropriate for the kinds of results you want to have).
Your GOQii coach is a health coach. They are trained health professionals who are qualified to give you information if you need it. BUT -the philosophy we follow, here, at GOQii is as follows:
- Most people actually already know what to do – the challenge is in implementing it. They really just need accountability
- Health isn’t about revamping your entire nutrition plan or following complex exercise routines all at once. It’s about making sustainable changes over time that turn into life-long habits and evolve into robust health in the long-term.
- YOU know what you need better than anyone. Our job as your coach isn’t so much to tell you what to do as it is to help you unlock your own potential.
- Yes – occasionally, you really do need some information. You might have read an article about health that confused you. You might not be sure about the next best step. If that is the case – we can and will help you by providing options for first steps – but at the end of the day, YOU are in charge. YOU decide.
So What Will Your First Coaching Call Look Like?
- First, your coach will ask you what your long-term BIG PICTURE goal looks like.
- What do you want to see change in the next year?
- What kinds of people do you envision spending your time with?
- What kinds of actions do you want to be doing?
- EXAMPLE: “I want to be able to run a marathon by the end of the year.” or “I want to lose 40 pounds by the end of the year.”
- Second, your coach will ask you your
- What will that change get you that you don’t have now?
- What is motivating you to make that change?
- EXAMPLE: “I used to love I felt empowered by it. And lately, I haven’t felt very empowered. I want to feel that way again.” Or “I want to lose some weight so that my knees don’t hurt as much. I am struggling to keep up with my little 3-year old. I want to be able to play and run and hide and seek right along with her. I feel like my current weight is making that challenging for me because exercise is causing me physical pain.”
- Third, your coach will get you to identify a check-point to try and commit to in the next month.
- In the next month, what would indicate to you that you were moving in the right direction?
- How far do you want to try and be toward that long term goal by the end of the month?
- EXAMPLE: “I want to be able to run at least 2 miles without stopping.” Or – “I would really like to have lost at least a couple of pounds by the end of the month.”
- Fourth, your coach will help you to take that goal and frame it into actions. It’s one thing to say you want to run a marathon. But that takes practice. Sure you might want to lose weight. But both of those things are Now you need to figure out which actions you want to take to get you there!
- What is a specific action that you can take between now and next week that will move you toward your monthly check-point?
- How will you monitor your progress on that?
- How might you arrange your environment to optimize your success?
- Who will you recruit as your support for that goal?
- How will you reward yourself every time you engage in this behavior?
- EXAMPLE: “I will make a commitment to run 20 minutes per day at least twice this week. I’m not sure, yet, how long I can go without stopping. But I will run/walk both times and push myself as far as I am comfortable. To monitor my progress, I’ll check in with the GOQii app and check it off on the list when I have completed my task. In order to assure that I run….I will put my running clothes out the night before so that I do it first thing in the morning. I’ll keep my GOQii coach for support, and I will reward myself after my run by allowing myself a download of a song on my music device or will download a new audiobook every time I complete the weekly goal.
- Fifth – your coach will wind up the conversation by summarizing what you have committed to. He or she will ask if you have any questions or are in need of any resources. Perhaps you are looking for some workout videos that are free. Or maybe you are looking for a quick and easy breakfast recipe that you might look at after your run. Whatever the case, your coach can help point you in the right direction and hold you accountable. And after wrapping up, your coach will set a follow-up appointment with you for the following month.
- Finally – your coach will follow up with you every day during the week via text to make sure you have all that you need. If you have questions along the way, you can reach out. If you feel like you’re struggling to find the motivation, your coach can help you identify what will get you back in the game.
Make no mistake – You are always the one in the driver’s seat. But your coach is there to be your copilot along the way. Your coach will help guide you along your journey and hold you accountable to the habits you want to put in place in order to get to the destination you ultimately want to get to.
Good luck – and Be The Force!
My coach is not helping , when I need it the most
Hi Harsh,
I’m sorry to hear that is the case…What would help look like for you? What would you like your coach to be doing that he/she isn’t doing now?
Hi Harsh,
We deeply regret your inconvenience. Could you mail us the details of your issue at support@goqii.com and we assure you that assistance will be provided.