“We can I Can” is the theme for this year’s World Cancer Day and this theme will continue through 2018. The idea of ‘We Can I Can’ is to explore how everyone –together and individually- can do their part to reduce the global burden of Cancer.
Today is World Cancer Day and experts say that one of the best ways to reduce the risk of Cancer is by adopting a healthy lifestyle. It is said that you can reduce the risk of many common cancers such as bowel, breast, uterine, ovarian, Oesophagus, kidney and liver by maintaining a healthy weight, eating right and making physical activity part of your daily routine.
As individuals ‘I Can’:
- Make healthy lifestyle choices that include avoiding tobacco, getting plenty of physical activity, eating a healthy diet
- Learn to detect signs and symptoms of cancer it only makes it easier to treat
- Support Cancer patients and survivors with physical and emotional impacts of cancer after treatment
- Share stories of own cancer experiences, communicate with decision makers and join support groups to help make positive changes for all people affected by cancer
- When possible return to work after cancer treatment to restore normality, routine, stability, social contact and income.
As community ‘We can’:
- Educate people about the link between lifestyle behaviors – including smoking, poor diet, and lack of physical activity – and cancer risk.
- Dispel myths that lead to stigma and discrimination against people with cancer in some communities.
- Encourage schools and workplaces to implement nutrition and physical activity policies that can help people to adopt healthy habits for life.
- Improve access to affordable cancer health care for all populations.
(source cancer.org)
We all can do our bit. I remember there is an organization in Mumbai called Ugam, a voluntary support group formed by Childhood Cancer survivors. UGAM means “To Rise” underscoring their determination to rise above all obstacles in life & be VICTORS. UGAM, based in Mumbai is the youngest unit of the oldest & most prominent NGO, The Indian Cancer Society( ICS) under its survivorship programme.
Ugam’s vision is to ensure that every childhood cancer survivor finds his/ her way to celebrate life after winning the battle with cancer. Ugam helps in self-empowerment of the survivors. It helps in fulfilling their dreams that were put on hold while they were battling this tormenting disease and the hardships of the treatments. Helping in overcoming social fears and hindrances, overcoming their physical and mental disabilities and moving ahead despite them, Educational and career related assistance and guidance.
Ugam provides a platform for them to talk about their experience and problems and help in building their confidence and self-esteem. Ugam tries and gives them a reason to lead a social and personal life in the future.
We at GOQii are advocates of a healthy lifestyle and doing Karma. So let make a beginning…..
Here is another interesting read….
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