What if there was something you could do right at this very minute to improve how engaged, productive, and creative self at work? As it turns out, there is a way, and you’re already doing it—breathing.
When you’re stressed, people often advise you to take a deep breath — and for a good reason, a new study shows. Slowing your breathing calms you, and by now scientists have also figured out how you can relax your brain through your breathing. It has to do with your brain’s pacemaker for breathing.
Here are several different relaxation techniques that you can try and see which one works best for you. And if your favourite approach fails to engage you, or you want some variety, you’ll have alternatives. You may also find the following tips helpful, let’s start with them?
- Alternate Nostril Breath ( Anulom Viloma)
- Sit comfortably. Place the middle finger of right hand on your forehead; your thumb rests on your right nostril, your ring & any fingers rest on the left nostril.
- Inhale & exhale. Close the right nostril with thumb; inhale through the left nostril for a count of 5.
- Close both nostrils; hold your breath for a count of 5.
- Lift thumb, exhale for 5 through the right nostril.
- Inhale through the right nostril, hold, close right nostril & exhale through the left nostril. This ends round 1.
- Repeat for 4 more rounds.
- Balances the energy of the nervous system.
- Has a profound stilling on the mind.
Note: We breathe in two-hour cycles: the first one, then the other nostril is dominant. Prolonged breathing through one side affects our energy. This restores the proper balance.
- Complete Breath
- This breath can be done in a comfortable seated position.
- Relax close your eyes.
- Exhale completely. Inhale slowly & deeply through your nose. Allow your stomach to expand like a balloon. Sip your breath, filling your chest & lungs.
- Hold your breath; exhale slowly through your nose, squeezing out all the stale air.
- If you wish, count to maintain your rhythm; inhale for a count of 5, hold your breath for 15 and exhale for 10.
- Repeat 5 times.
- Relaxes the body & nervous system.
- Purifies the respiratory system by expelling stale air.
- Relieves tension & calms emotions.
- Improves concentration.
- Great for the complexion.
- Breath of Fire ( kapalabhati )
- Sit Comfortably. Inhale and Exhale Completely.
- Repeat these contractions. Focus on steady, quick Breathes that Emphasize the exhalation.
- Start with 20 consecutive breathes: increase to 3 sets of 20. Breathe normally between sets.
- Purifies and aerates the entire system.
- Recharges and warms the body.
- Increase oxygen improves concentration.
Note: Those who practice this breath daily say they no longer get colds. One caution: If Dizziness occurs, stop and Consult a yoga teacher For Guidance.
- Sounding Breath ( Ujjayi )
- Sit Comfortably.
- Exhale completely.
- Draw your Breath in Slowly through your nose.
- As you inhale, slowly fill your abdomen and Lungs.
- Contract your throat and make a soft hissing sound as you exhale, emptying your lungs completely.
- Let your breath be long and slow.
- Calms the Body and balance the nervous system.
- Expels stale air from Lungs, purifying the respiratory system.
- Slow the minds, calms the emotions.
Sufi Mother’s Breath.
- Sit comfortably.
- Exhale With a sigh to reset the diaphragm.
- Breathe In through your nose for slow count 7. Hold Your Breath for a moment.
- Breathe out through your nose for a count of 7. Hold your breath for a moment.
- Repeat Several times.
- Promotes a feeling of being deeply nurtured.
- As with all Deep breathing exercises, the increased flow of oxygen and improves the complexion and cleanses the inner organs.
- Chin Press Breath ( Murcha Pranayam )
- Sit comfortably with your back erect.
- Inhale through your nose for a count of 7.
- Lift the sternum and press your chin into your chest. Hold Your Breath for a count of 7.
- Lift your chin away from your chest and exhale through your nose for a count of 7.
- Repeat several times.
- Improve willpower and Concentration.
- Stimulates the thyroid.
- Stretches the back o the neck.
- Promotes a sense of inner peace.
- Cooling Breath ( Shitali Pranayam )
- Sit Comfortably With Your Spine straight.
- Curl the sides of your tongue to form a straw between your lips.
- Inhale through the mouth for a count of 7 through the opening created by your Tongue.
- Withdraw your tongue close your mouth, and hold your breath for a count of 7.
- Exhale through your nose for a count of 7.
- Repeat 5 or 6 times.
- Cleanse The Body of toxins.
- Has a calming and cooling effect
- Relieve a variety of stomach ailments.
Practice these different breathing techniques once or twice a day. Always do it at the same time, in order to enhance the sense of ritual and to establish a habit. Try to practice at least 10–20 minutes each day. It really makes a difference!
Nice one and really relaxing