I have accomplished it
He is young at the age of 52 and a busy top executive of a Mumbai-based Infrastructure company. But, the amazing thing about him is that he still finds time every day out of his busy schedule to go for a run and keeps himself fit wherever he is…you want to know how? Sudhir Hoshing tells us how he manages to be fit?
Fitness was never a part of my wife and my life. But, it’s in 2010 that we started taking fitness more seriously. The reason being that we realized we had put on a lot of weight. In 2009, I was weighing 92 kgs and I wanted to reduce my weight and get fit. In 2010 itself I ran my first Standard Chartered marathon. That’s how my regular fitness regime started. It’s always good when your life partner is also your partner in fitness training in the gym.
Over a period of 2 years, I also reduced my weight to 67 kgs. Then again I had put on some weight. Today, after 5 years I run 8-10 marathons a year. My day usually begins at 4.30 am and I go running for an hour and a half or if not running then I hit the gym. I am back by 7 am and by 8.30 am I leave for work. For me, fitness is one of the main aspects of life. A fit person can bring a lot of positive vibes at work too.
I was looking for something that counts steps and calories and I found GOQii by luck. I got in touch with GOQii and over interactions I found out more about GOQii and I was convinced to go for it. I initially thought that it was just a band that would give me my steps and calorie counts. Then I found that it’s more than just counting steps and calories. It also provides for a personal coach who is in regular interaction with you about your diet and other tips on exercises and lifestyle changes etc.
In 2014, I got the band and a personal coach in and I also opted for a personal trainer from GOQii who can come home for strength training and other exercises. Initially, I did not understand much how all this worked. I thought I knew everything because since 2010 I was seriously into fitness, going to the gym and for runs etc but. I was wrong. I did not know many things and it’s through my coach that I realized so many things on diet and nutrition, sleep, water etc.
I did not have a specific goal when I came on board GOQii platform. I only wanted to reduce my weight. What is my routine currently? Well, I run 10 km on alternate days on weekdays and on weekends I run 20 km.
Currently, I am working along with my coach on Mindful Eating. Until I came on board GOQii I did not know something like Mindful Eating existed. I eat very fast. Within 2 minutes I am done with my meals. And, this my coach told me was wrong and that I am supposed to eat slowly, chew and relish the food When my coach explained to me about how I should be eating I realized my mistake.
Despite the hectic schedule that I have and that fact that I am constantly travelling I manage to run and also do my exercises. If you want to exercise you can exercise whenever and wherever. There should be no excuses.
I love the concept of GOQii. It has helped me a lot and in turn, I have inspired a whole lot of people around me. My colleagues look up to me for my fitness and now want to follow me. My son and my nephews are inspired by me and my wife has also started running marathons since last year. She did her first Thane marathon this year.

Running Together-Sudhir and his wife.
What does Coach Charmi Gogri have to say about Sudhir Hoshing?
Sudhir has always been very particular about his fitness and nutrition. One thing that was missing from his workouts was some relaxation, peace and meditation. He was always engaged with running or weight training. We set an initial goal to include some Yoga Asanas in the weekly routine, eventually, it became part of routine too. Thanks to his sincerity and obedient attitude. While I would say his meals were great (well balanced and spaced), I found a little lag in his water intake. So that became part of initial goal too.
After reviewing his progress for a while, we moved to the next step and focused on getting better sleep. Once that got sorted, we are currently working on mindful eating as he has the habit of eating very fast. So far he has been doing well with this one. Still yet to master the skill.
Great. Very inspiring.
Very Enthusiastic