Why are we stressed?
In this competitive world, there is lots of work and also lots of pressure of all sorts and from all sides. Given this backdrop, one is stressed not only physically, but also mentally.
We are constantly in the race to compete with one another and working hard to get the best in any given situation for ourselves and our families. These days there’s a huge percentage of youth suffering from depression, hypertension, diabetes or even hormonal disorders.
Research has proved how spending just a few minutes with ourselves during the day or over the weekend can help us de-stress ourselves. That’s not all, involving ourselves in a hobby can enhance our efficiency as hobbies give us relief from our monotonous routine. These help in reducing stress hormone Cortisol, which also plays a role ranging from fat accumulation to hormonal imbalance.
What about reviving an old childhood hobby or getting to learn something new? Remember, age is no consideration to make a new beginning. Here are a few hobbies which one may like to take up to relieve stress.
Art/Craft: This makes you get creative and learn different forms from Pottery to Quilling/Painting and Sketching. Spend some time with your sketch book at the end of the day. Join a class over the weekend and get creative skills to relieve your stress.
Music/Playing an instrument: These can really help us improve Neuroplasticity, that is brain can process new information in a better way. A weekend or evening class can boost these skills. Form a group of friends who can join together and remain motivated to learn something new.
Sports/Dance: Whatever you choose, will always make you feel motivated and bring some activity into your life. Dance can boost happy hormones and help in forgetting the day/week long pressures at work.
Gardening/Bird watching/Connecting with Nature: Nature in itself is so healing for the mind, body and soul. Birds, flowers and plants help us feel that we are blessed by Mother Nature. Feeling gratitude and relaxed in watching some birds fly can make the stress fly away. Spending some time over the weekend potting some plants can be really rejuvenating. Can plant some micro greens for daily salads too.
Photography: Digital technology has made cameras within everybody’s reach. Even with mobile phones, we can take pictures anywhere at any time. This will not only relieve our stress but would also make ourselves more sensitive to our surroundings.
Mind/Board Games: Chess, Sudoku, Scrabble can help us improve mental faculties and can make a positive impact on the process of ageing. It will not only prevent Alzheimer’s disease but also anxiety and help improve fine motor skills.
Therefore, doing something creative, which we really enjoy, to break the monotonous routine will make us have a healthy mind in a healthy body.
Let’s spend some time early morning in the kitchen garden or balcony to take care of the plants. Take out the camera for an evening outing with friends or family. Or play some music or at least an indoor game on a weekend or after office hours and be happy.
While you conclude reading this blog, make up your mind to make a new beginning with some hobby to relieve yourself from stress and add some joy to your life.
Stress management is very important nowadays as our life has become to stressful the points you have mentioned in the articleHobbies relieve Stress are very effective to tackle stress in day to day life.Thanks for the article and keep up the good work.
I destreeii
Very good…
I enjoy photography to capture happy moments…
Which in turn returns me happiness in multiple…
Dr Shivani says and I have experienced….
What you want you give…
You want happiness. Give or share happiness it will return in multiples…
If you do not want stress don not have stress to spouse to prove your point…
Really very good block…. I enjoyed…
Well said, Dr. Kumud S. Wangnue. Many of us does not figure out that we are already stressing out ourselves. Stress consider as silent killer. When you do your hobbies, our mind focusing on something creative. It’s great way to focus on that rather than counting for what we don’t have in our lives.
very well said. When you do something creative, your stress goes off. I used to see the old pictures to release my stress.