Chia seeds also known as Sabja (in Hindi). Most of us are aware of the fact that Chia seeds are a body coolant but they have other hidden benefits as well.
Listed below are the benefits and ways to consume them and some of side effects too.
- Chia seeds are rich in omega 3 essential fats, helps in reducing high blood pressure and promotes efficient nerve transmission.
- It stabilizes blood sugar levels.
- It has anti-inflammatory properties which is effective in reducing the pain and inflammation of Arthritis.
- Being low in calorie, it also boosts metabolism and promotes lean muscle mass as it comprises of proteins, Hence it can be used for weight management programme.
- Due to its antioxidants properties it has got longer shelf life.
- It has minerals and vitamins which improves the hair and skin condition.
- Once soaked in water, chia seeds makes us feel full faster thus controls the binge eating, reduces the cravings for fatty foods and cleanses the digestive system.
- Chia seeds absorb a lot of water and so after consumption it helps in keeping well hydrated for longer.
- Interestingly it does not have a strong taste unlike other seeds, hence they can be easily used in various recipes without changing the original taste.
These seeds are so versatile that you can use them in different recipes. You can sprinkle them on salads as seasonings, spread them on your bread mixed with vegetables, add to your ice creams, smoothies, milk shakes, Shorba, puddings, juices, yogurt, oat meals, muffins, pastas, noodles, pizza, and cakes, etc.
Eating two spoonful Chia seeds every day in any form can help you stay healthy and fit. Before we include Chia seed in our diet we need to be careful. Studies have shown that few people have encountered various side effects of Chia seeds, such as, gastrointestinal problems, allergies, blood pressure disorders.
Pregnant and lactating mother, people under medication, and unwell patients should strictly consult their doctor before making it a part of the daily diet. But if Chia seeds suit your system then you can add them to your recipes (as mentioned above). Surely it provides you a great health and vitality improving your immune system.
Very useful
This is the best site and also best information that I got here only. You made a good site it very help us. Thank you for giving us such a great and useful suggestions and tips they very nice and amazing. Thank you all.
Thanks for such a detailed article. I use True Elements Chia seeds as they are 100% natural and raw! Do try them once.
Good content!
Chia Seeds have minerals and vitamins which improves the hair and skin condition.