Its summer and the heat have already started to sap us out. The heat starts creeping in, finding its way to draw fluids from our body cells as we sweat while playing, travelling or even just sitting around in the sun. Keeping the body hydrated helps the heart pump blood easily through the blood vessels to the muscles. Hence, the muscles work efficiently.
Dehydration can be a serious condition that can lead to problems ranging from swollen feet, lack of concentration, lethargy, headache to heat stroke.
Let’s beat the heat by ensuring optimum hydration through adequate water intake throughout the day and grabbing some hydrators like:* Coconut water This has natural electrolytes to replenish lost minerals in perspiration
* Buttermilk it is a blend of curd with water and dash of Cumin powder, asafoetida, coriander leaves, rock salt, ginger all of which aid in improving digestion.
* Lemon water/Lemonade: Lemon a citrus fruit has a good amount of vitamin C, it turns our body alkaline.
* Jaljeera water: It a mixture of rock salt, cumin powder and is known to reduce indigestions.
* Soya milk Flavoured/plain soya milk as it provides a good amount of proteins apart from hydrating the body.
* Berry/seasonal fruit sorbet: Blending any berry like strawberries, blueberries, raspberries (which has a lot of antioxidants to increase immunity) with ice is good.
* Mint Mojito: blend of water + mint leaves and few drops of lemon for flavour. Mint leaves are extremely good body coolant.
* Green tea lemonade: a bunch of antioxidants and vitamin C from lemon to increase immunity.
* Peach ginger ice tea: Mash 6 canned peach halves with 1 and 1/2 cups of the juice, raw honey and 1 tablespoon grated ginger in a pitcher. This aids in good digestion.
* Peanut butter frappe: A glass of cold milk blended with 2 tablespoons of peanut butter. In summer our food intake drops down drastically, apart from hydration this drink also provides a good amount of proteins and required fats.
* Honeydew ice: 1 cup each frozen honeydew melon and frozen diced cucumber with the juice of 1 lime and some raw honey.
* Any fruit or dry fruit milkshakes. (which will be a good substitute for evening snack)
* Subja (chia seeds) soaked overnight in water is a natural coolant, it can be had with milk
* Vegetable juice ( leafy vegetables/beets/cucumber) + citrus fruits + ginger + garlic + lemon
* Solkadi (a blend of coconut milk+kokum+ginger+corriander leaves) known for reducing acidity and is a body coolant.
* Kokum Sharbat: Kokum extract (after soaking in water) blended it with water, Cumin seed powder and rock salt. Kokum is again known for reducing acidity
* Aam (Mango) Pannah is raw mango drink mostly available in Maharashtra region of India. It has heat resistant properties. It is also rich in Vitamin B1, B2, niacin and vitamin C.
* Aloe Vera juice: This is natural coolant. It is available in the market in a concentrated form. It needs to be mixed with water. It has anti-bacterial, antifungal properties too.
* Bottle guard + 1 cup of black basil ( mint optional) is an excellent cooling agent.
This is really really informative…need of the hour…
Very informative for coolant our body and also for good digestion
this is one of the great posting here so i like this information about lemon and all types things which you had used here to makes us informative so thanks for this posting