There are a number of discussions these days on why medical tests should be conducted at all. The veracity of tests is questioned many times by patients or health seekers, and this is what prompts me to write this blog on ‘Significance of Regular Medical Checkup’.
‘Health is Wealth’ is a significant phrase and rightly so. Maintaining one’s health is a continuous process. Nature has created this body which is a sophisticated software and gives feedback in case of a major change. Your today’s body and personality is that feedback. When anything is amiss it manifests in the form of symptoms or alteration in the investigations.
You cannot eat healthy, exercise for a week and expect lifelong results. Maintaining one’s health stems from dietary habits, physical activity (including exercises), rest, occupation, exposure to high-risk factors, etc. To measure the above influential parameter, health checkup plays a vital role for every individual. Hence, health checkups including pathological and radiological investigations are useful if used judiciously and under health provider advice.
Benefits of a Medical Check
- Prevention of disease
People falling into the high-risk category can easily detect the onset of a problem before it occurs.
- Prevention / Early detection of incurable diseases
Regular medical checkup ensures catching up with body signals before an incurable disease becomes unmanageable. For instance, cervical cancer, breast cancer can be detected early if clinically examined at regular intervals. Usually, these can be caught during the basic 6 monthly or yearly checkups.
- Since every person is different, a health issue might occur specifically due to age, sex, hereditary conditions, etc. Therefore, every individual will have a varied checkup according to the background. A person with a family history of diabetes can start taking early precautions, deliver lifestyle modifications to delay/stop the disease from affecting the body.
- Another scenario is where the patient is suffering from a disease and the tests affirm or give indication of a change in the management. For instance, a person suffering from a high blood pressure needs to check his BP (blood pressure) regularly to ensure all is well.
- If the disease is detected early and managed appropriately it can avoid the economic burden of long hospitalization.
- A wonderful example is the detection of thalassemia minor patient to be careful while choosing a partner.
- Investigations also play an essential role in altering one’s habits for good. eg. fired lungs act as a motivation for smokers to quit!
It must be pointed out here that before any test is run, the complete history of the person must be taken to ensure correct tests are recommended.
Commonly advised investigations are;
CBC- Complete Blood Count
ESR- Erythrocyte Sedimentation Rate
LFT- Liver Function Test
RFT- Renal Function Test
Blood sugar fasting and post lunch, HBA1C
B12 and D3
Lipid profile
X-ray Chest
Pap smear for adult female
PSA for prostate adult males
Thyroid Profile
Additional investigations might be prescribed depending on the history, age, sex, and other influential factors of the person.
Depending on what stage the disease is one can decide the line of action. Investigations if done under the supervision of a good practitioner can play a major role in the prevention of a disease.
So friends just like there are numerous facets of maintaining good health, ensure you do not forget the role played by a scientific investigation in helping you to be fit, fine and healthy.
Great insight. Thought tests were waste of money
Nice article Dr.Viral.Agree to most of the things mentioned but I still feel sometimes doctors do go overboard in getting the tests done.Sometimes it may be their compulsions but sometimes it seems tests are not required.Maybe they don’t want to take any chance.
Nowadays patients are also aware and they also search Google before going to a doctor.
Anyways keep up the good work!
God Bless!