“Fitness is not about being better than someone else…It’s about being better than you used to be”
The term ‘Fitness’ is very common among people now. Whenever we talk about fitness the only thing which comes to the mind is weight management. But, let me tell you that fitness is not only about weight loss or gain but increased inner strength which gives you extra energy to the body as well as to your soul.
So sharing some fitness goals with all you out there. These goals should help you to remain fit and confident if you spare some time out of your busy schedule.
Here it goes-
1) Running:
Run 10km: A classic goal for those who want to get into running. Start small initially if you are not into running and then slowly get to the large goal of accomplishing 10Km. Benefits of running are not only physiologic but also psychological. Physiological benefits include cardiovascular fitness, weight loss, and improved upper and lower body strength. The often overlooked mental and emotional benefits include not only the sense of accomplishment after finishing the run but, also the self-confidence gained from reaching such a goal.
2) Yoga:
Yoga requires minimal equipment, provides stretching without stressing the joints, and can improve stress levels and posture. Individuals new to yoga should begin slowly, ideally with an experienced instructor so poses and postures can be corrected and not lead to injuries.
Three good yoga poses to master include:
(i) Mountain Pose (Tadasana): Improve your body awareness, balance, and posture. Stand with big toes touching. Lift up your toes and let them fan out, then drop back down, creating a solid base. Bring your weight evenly to all parts of your feet. Tighten your quadriceps, allowing your kneecaps to rise. Rotate both thighs inward, tucking in your tailbone. Tighten your belly; widen your collar bones, making sure shoulders are parallel to the pelvis. Keep your neck long, and your shoulder blades down and back.
image source: Yoga Basic
(ii) Warrior Pose: This pose lengthens the front of our bodies. Much of our day is spent sitting; and by stretching the front thigh muscle. It can improve our posture and can help with low back pain.
(iii) Bridge Pose: This pose address two areas where women want to improve: the buttocks and inner thigh.
3) Plyometric moves: Plyometric moves are jumping exercises so adding a hop, skip, and a jump to your workouts boosts fat-burning and uses muscles which you don’t use normally in your daily routine. Do them prior to your workout and after a thorough warm-up. Repeat each for 10 seconds, or five jumps.
TwoPlyometric moves to master include:
(i) Squat Hops: Stand tall with your feet hip-width apart and your hands clasped behind your head. Keeping your weight on your heels, squat down until your thighs are parallel to the floor. Pause in the squat position. Then without counter-movement and without the use of your arms, jump as high as possible. When landing, make sure to absorb the impact by pushing your hips back and flexing your knees.
(ii) Slam Hops: Stand in an upright position with your knees slightly bent and your feet about shoulder-width apart. Flexing your knees to quickly drop your body 10 to 12 inches, rapidly explode upward, forward and to the side. Swing your arms forcefully upward. Upon landing, immediately repeat the jump, but jump forward diagonally in the opposite direction.
image source: SportPlan
4. Swimming:
Swimming can have a positive impact on body fat, insulin levels, and overall health. If you are swimming for 30 minutes at a moderate intensity three times a week then you will lose more weight, experience improved body-fat distribution, and insulin in the short term.
- Do 25 Push-Ups:
Mastering the ability to perform 25 Push-ups is a very reasonable, realistic, and attainable goal for most women. Benefits include upper-body strength in the chest (pectorals), shoulder girdle (scapular stabilizers), and arms (triceps). Push-Ups require no equipment and can be varied in many ways to train different muscle groups(i.e. a closer grip targets triceps). Aesthetically, Push-Ups develop the pectorals muscles of the chest, which help to prevent breast sagging as the women age.
- Add Sprinting to your routine:
Sprinting is one of the best ways to tone the glutes, and when practised as intervals, sprinting can also speed up calorie burning. Adding sprint training to your running routine has a number of benefits. The initial benefit comes simply from the variation in the workout, which prevents boredom. This type of training should be added gradually to avoid overuse injuries.
Try this: 30 to 60 seconds of sprinting alternating with 60 seconds of light jogging; repeat for 10 or more minutes. Adjust the intensity of the active phase and length of the rest phase according to your fitness level.
So, think of your workouts as important meetings you have scheduled with yourself and be proud of each step you take towards reaching that goal and the result is for sure “FITNESS” and an ‘Awesome Looking You’
Good information Anubha.
Good combination of outdoor and indoor physical activity .
Each explained so well . Great!
Dear sir thank you for info i have a small doubt daily i run 10kms but some are saying it is bad to run daily as it will affect your knees in longterm