Day in and day out, most of us experience acidity due to an erratic lifestyle, wrong postures, no time to have meals, eating junk or spicy food outside. Acidity is also known as heartburn. Do you know why? Because it actually feels like your chest is on fire! Acidity can be a serious mood killer in any circumstance and it can happen to anybody irrespective of age. So exactly can you avoid acidity? Before we answer that, let’s look at some common triggers:
- Staying on empty stomach for too long
- Having too many cups of tea or coffee a day
- Spicy street food
- Deep fried oily food
- Junk food consumption containing refined flour
- Frequent restaurant visits
What Can You Do To Avoid Acidity?
To avoid acidity, you need to first avoid the above triggers. You can also try these 5 foods below which help in relieving acidity.
- Bananas: This fruit is easily available throughout the year. Its high fiber content strengthens the digestive system. Pectin, found in bananas, moves the residues through the digestive tract which actually helps one avoid acidity.
- Ginger: is a natural treatment for acidity due to its anti-inflammatory properties. Ginger juice can be extracted and 2-3 drops or 1tsp of ginger juice can be consumed as ginger shot post meals to relieve acidity. Another way to consume ginger is by making ginger tea.
- Yogurt: also has a soothing effect on our digestive system as it helps coating the lining of the digestive tract. Also it contains probiotics which are healthy gut bacteria that aid digestion. Consuming curd/yogurt is a proven remedy for acid reflux.
- Aloe Vera: not only soothes the skin but our gut as well. Due to its anti-inflammatory properties, it helps you avoid acidity. Drink 5-10ml of aloe vera juice everyday on an empty stomach for good results.
- Fennel Seeds (Saunf): are loaded with anti-inflammatory properties and they also aid good digestion, reducing the symptoms of acidity easily. Consume about 1tsp of fennel seeds post meals. It will not only improve digestion, but also help you fight against acidity. It works great as a good mouth freshener too.
So keep these easily available foods ready with you to avoid acidity. Do remember to avoid the triggers as well, as prevention is always better than cure. We hope this article helps you. If you’re suffering from acidity, try them out and let us know your experience in the comments below.
For more home remedies on acidity, check out Healthy Reads or ask a GOQii Coach by subscribing for Personalised Health Coaching here.
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