In the first part of my blog, I mentioned 5 basic exercises that one can do to get fit and shed those extra kilos. In the second of part of the blog, I shall take you through with some major and slightly tough exercises, which will help corpulent people to get fitter. Start with some lighter exercise.
Warm Up Exercise:
- Wrist rotation
- Shoulder rotation
- Shoulder adductions
- Waist rotation
- Ankle rotation
After your warm up, you can do the following exercise:
- Wall Push-Ups: Stand at a distance of 4 feet from the wall. Face the wall and keep your hand outstretched and lean your body towards the wall with your palms well placed on the wall. Now start pushing your body forward and back until you are once again in a standing position.
- Standing Cross Leg Stretch: Stand straight with legs crossed and outsides of feet together and bend to stretch.
- Lying down one side’s upper and inner leg raises: Lie on one side with your head resting in a resting position on your hand just above your elbow. Keep your other arm in front of your central abdominal part with your palm facing down. Start lifting your top leg as high as it will go slowly. You can keep your free hand either on your hip or on the floor in front of you for some additional support. Keep looking straight in front of you instead of looking up at the leg. Gently lower your leg until it meets the other leg. Try to keep your spine straight and to avoid caving forward as you lift your leg.
- Cat and Camel pose: Keep your hands and knees on your mat/floor. Your hands should be beneath your shoulders and your knees directly beneath your hips. Relax your head, and allow it to droop. Take a deep breath to start and while exhaling – gently pull your abdominal muscles backwards and towards your spine. Tuck your tailbone down and under. Gently contract your glutes, now your spine should look rounded upwards similar to a camel. After that gently inhale your breath and lower down your spine like a cat.
- Child Pose: Kneel on your mat with your legs together and sit back on your heels and keep your palm on your thighs. Exhale and slowly rest your torso over your thighs so that your forehead touches the mat.
- Yoga Pose -Bhujangasan: If you have carpal tunnel syndrome or other wrist injuries, or if you have recently had a surgery, or if you have back problems that are irritated while bending. Lie down on your mat facing towards the floor. Place your palms flat on your mat directly beneath your shoulders with your fingers facing forward. The tops of your feet should be flat on the floor.
Spread your fingers and press your palms against the floor. Rotate your shoulders back and down, away from your ears, keep your elbows close to your body and pointing behind you instead of out to the sides.
Lift into a low cobra pose. Keeping your hands, your hips, and the tops of your feet firmly planted on the floor, begin to lift your upper torso off the floor. Try to use mostly the muscles in your back to lift you. Tilt your chin upward and lift your chest toward the ceiling)
- Pelvic Raises: Lie on the floor on your back with your arms behind your head. Bend your knees so that your feet are flat on the floor about hip-width apart. Contract your abdominals as you press your back down. Hold your back on the floor as you tilt your hips to raise your butt about an inch off the floor — 2 inches maximum. Stay in this position for a moment. Slowly bring your butt back to start. You may want to lift the lower back up. For the Pelvic Tilt to be effective, keep the lower back in neutral alignment for the duration of the exercise. Do not raise your head, neck, or shoulders. Remember not to arch your back.
- Superman Raises: To begin, lie straight and face down on the floor or exercise mat. Your arms should be fully extended in front of you. This is the starting position. Simultaneously raise your arms, legs, and chest off of the floor and hold this contraction for 2 seconds. Tip: Squeeze your lower back to get the best results from this exercise. Remember to exhale during this movement. Note: When holding the contracted position, you should look like superman when he is flying. Slowly begin to lower your arms, legs and chest back down to the starting position while inhaling.
- Crunches Half: Sitting upright on your butt on the floor, knees bent and feet flat on the floor. Sit up and hold your arms out in front of you while leaning back halfway (between sitting upright and lying on the floor) and then sit up completely, trying to touch your chest to your knees. Go down half way and then up again. This will work your lower back and upper abdominals.
- Spot Marching: Walk in the same place at an easy pace, swinging your arms naturally.
- Half Squats: Stand straight with feet hip-width apart. Keep your shoulder blades down & back. Brace the abdomen & squeeze the glutes. Squat by pushing the hips back and out before bending the knees. Stop when the thighs are halfway from being parallel to the floor. Return to starting position.
- Wide Squats: Same process of Half Squats but with the wider leg position
- One Floor Stairs: You just need to climb stairs one floor three times in a day.
- Hamstring Curls: You need to stand straight, if you are not able to stand properly in the same place, you can use chair or anything to support. Bend your knee by folding your leg and try to touch your butt with your ankle. Try to raise as much as you can. Try to do the same posture with both legs alternatively.
- Standing Alternate Side Leg Raises: Stand next to a chair, which you may hold onto as a support. Stand on one leg. This will be your starting position. Keeping your leg straight, raise it as far out to the side as possible, and swing it back down, allowing it to cross the opposite leg.
- Back Leg Raises: Stand up tall holding onto the back of a sturdy object like a chair or resting your hands on a wall. Raise one leg, pressing it straight back behind you, and squeeze your glutes at the top of the motion. Pause and then return to the starting position.
Now you have all the information with the right instruction, so what are you waiting for? Let’s pledge for the healthy lifestyle and move one step ahead into your fitness.
Thank you so much Parwage for this blog.. I used to search so many things but you posted all at a time..
Thanks a lot!!
Divita – you are always welcome. You can check the part 1 as well for the basic information.
Blog is nice.Exercises are useful for everyone.Thank you jyoti
Thank you. Well written and easy to follow.