I seldom know a person who hates Sugarcane and does not crave for Sugarcane juice when thirsty. Sugarcane juice with ice is a hit among Mumbaiites. On a hot sultry afternoon have a glass of sugarcane juice and see how it rejuvenates and energises you. Sugarcane is known to provide energy and glucose to our body and gives us the strength to continue with our work. But, did you know that Sugarcane has many health benefits than just providing glucose to our body?
Sugarcane juice is not only like any other sweet juice but it has many other nutrients. Sugarcane juice is extracted from the cane and is nutritious and refreshing. It contains about 15 % natural sugar and is rich in organic salts and vitamins. The juice can also be used for drinking or sweetening. In hot summer days, it is a cooling drink. A little lime juice may be mixed in the juice to improve its flavour.
- The reason Sugarcane is a popular drink during summers is that it gives an instant kick of energy and quenches the thirst. Sugarcane juice is a good source of glucose which as we know, helps to re-hydrate the human body and gives it a boost of energy. So instead of your artificial energy drink, the next time you feel fatigued or dehydrated, consider drinking a glass of cane juice.
- Even though cane juice tastes very sweet and has high sugar content, it is good for diabetic patients. It contains natural sugar which has a low glycemic index that prevents a steep rise in blood glucose levels in diabetics, so it can act as a substitute for aerated drinks for them. However, people with Type-2 diabetes should consume it in moderation and after consultation with their doctors.
- Sugarcane juice is considered an alkaline forming food because of the high concentration of calcium, magnesium, potassium, iron, and manganese in it. Diseases like cancer cannot survive in an alkaline environment and that’s why studies show that it is effective in fighting cancer, especially prostate and breast cancer.
- As sugar cane juice boosts protein levels in the body, it helps in maintaining the health of the kidney. Taken in a diluted form, with lime juice and coconut water, sugar cane juice helps in reducing the burning sensation which is commonly associated with urinary tract infections, sexually transmitted diseases, kidney stones and prostatitis.
- The antioxidants in sugarcane juice help to fight infections and boost the immune system of the body. It also protects the liver against infections and helps in keeping the bilirubin levels in control. This is one of the reasons that doctors’ advice jaundice patients to drink sugar cane juice, as it is one of the few things that gets easily digested and does not put any pressure on the liver and also helps in reducing the bilirubin levels.
- Sugarcane juice also acts a good digestive aid due to the presence of potassium. It helps in keeping the digestive system in good shape, prevents stomach infections and is considered to be particularly useful in treating the problem of constipation.
- Studies show that sugarcane juice protects against tooth decay and bad breath due to its high mineral content. So save yourself the next trip to the dentist and drink a glass of fresh sugarcane juice to get shiny white teeth.
- Deficiency of nutrients in the body can easily be noticed by looking at the health and condition of your nails. If you have brittle discoloured nails that have white spots on them, then it’s time to add sugarcane juice to your diet. It contains everything to give you those strong shiny nails that would look pretty even without a nail polish.
- Sugarcane juice has been discovered to be good for those people who are struggling with febrile disorders. Febrile disorders result in fevers, which can lead to seizures and loss of proteins in the body. It is quite common in infants and children. Sugarcane juice helps in compensating the lost protein and helps in recovery.
- When it comes to healthy skin, alpha hydroxy acids are supposed to have a lot of benefits. They fight acne, reduce blemishes, prevent ageing and help in keeping the skin hydrated. One of the most effective alpha hydroxy acids is glycolic acid and sugarcane, is one of its few natural sources. Just apply sugar cane juice to your skin and let it dry or add it to your favourite face mask and scrub. Use it regularly to see the effect.
While the advantages of sugarcane juice are many, it is essential to ensure that it is extracted in a hygienic manner. It’s also important to use and consume the juice as soon as it is extracted because it tends to get oxidized within 15 minutes.
So Sugarcane is not only beneficial for your health but also good for your skin. It’s a miracle drink for a healthy lifestyle which is also tasty. Let go of those artificial drinks and soft drinks and go for ‘Sugarcane Juice’. But, be safe and drink it keeping the hygiene conditions in mind.
We hope this article helps you. For further information or guidance, reach out to our certified experts by subscribing to GOQii’s Personalised Health Coaching here.
I want to know if it’s ok, to freeze sugarcane Juice immediately after making it since its lifespan is just 15mins .thank you for your time.
I will like to know if I can freeze cane juice
Is sugarcane good for high blood pressure?
Wiw good job, henceforth sugarcane will be my favourite drink
My Anty. Zainab Lee. S. How per . my names is Ibrahim My study. General horticulture and landscaping . sugarcane is multiples important Doe to horticultural sciencetis.
I wanted to know the same
I wanted to know whether you can freeze the sugarcane juice.
Yes you can freeze it but make sure to consume it before 15minutes.
I agree that sugarcane is the best sweart interm of nutrience. From abusifiyanu ya’u katsina state mani local govt. Nigeria
Very g@@d.love it. Thanks Aqsa
I accept sugarcane has natural nutrients; help to reduce diabetes
is that true,if it so i will also make my reduce diabetes pls reply
To what extend will kidney stone patient is to drink sugar cane juice
Am educated n informed wt ds site.Keep it up.
That’s interesting. I used to think that the sugar content in sugarcane increases sugar level in the body, thereby worsening diabetes cases in carriers. Thanks a lot for proper information. God bless you
I want to know whether by just drinking sugarcane juice my skin and nails would look beautiful or unless I apply the juice to my skin and nails? Thank you.
this is good
Please can constantly intake of sugarcane cure Hepatits B? I learnt that it cures liver diseases. Usman Najib. Kano state Nigeria.
Just finished taking it now, I’m convinced, I’ll henceforth take sugarcane regularly.
Alright, since we here what sugarcene is all about, than we should be used it in such way which it will benafit us! ibrahim salis thnks
Very nourishing drink. It gives instant energy after being weak, due to hunger or fatigue.
Sugarcane is indeed the best but Can hepatitis A patient take sugarcane? Thanks as u reply..
I agree sugarcane is good!!!
Yes accepted that sugarcane had natural sugar.
From Nigeria Zaria Kaduna state
Sugarcane is indeed a great source of instant energy. It can sustain you when food is not yet readily. Just finished taking about 3 feat long of it as is been harvested from farm. Love it!
Sugar cane helps person to be energetic
Yah, it’s a nice drink esp for digestive probs
Thank u as a .THis website has helped me a lot.thank u once again for your time. ..
I want to manufacture sugar cane juice from small scale well purified. Can it be packed like any other beverage for long periods by adding preservatives? Where can I find technology from a small scale stance?
I love sugarcane a lot, very refreshing
Good one, i’ll try it
Is sugar cane good for the eye
Thanks for the clarification i taking sugar cane juice is of high value, but some other people says it is bad for health due to too much sugar quantity in it.
Woooow from this day onwards I will consider sugarcane juice
Is it good to mix sugarcane juice with carrot juice?
Nice post.
Wait, so you couldn’t take sugar can juice to your sport training instead of water? Would it still have the same benefits if you did?
a good insight into providing excellent coverage of the sugarcane juice.can cane sugar be mixed with water to make the sugarcane juice?
Sugarcane is very good, for especially men. U no what I mean. If u Take sugar cane in d evening and wakeup the following morning, ur man hood will wake u up with good body balance
Yes I agree that sugercane nutrient is very inportant in preventing teeth from decay
Is it good but when taken on what frequency?
Hhmn! i have no thing to say. but i’m among the sporters.
Yes I incounter a liver problem with the help of Allah and the help of taking sugercane juice accodantly my hypataties B desolve and am free from liver problem Alhamdulillah.
Dear Aqsa I need more info on foods sugarcane and coconut benefits @ setra I am very diet conscious. RSA 0027-27995-6883
need more info on healthy foods benefits in sugar-cane coconut @ setra
Good info thanks
is there some amount of taking it,or it depent on your effort thanks
I have been juicing for over22 years. And when I juice, I want a large quantity so i can freeze it and not juice daily. I was introduced to sugarcane juice recently and i am juicing it in larger quantities also, and freezing it. In my opinion, whether the juice is not drank immediately upon coming out of the juicer could be a deterrent to a person changing their lifestyle for good. Frozen vegetables are , from my reading, 80-90% as nutritious as fresh. So my belief is that, that would apply to all the juices also, frozen promptly. I have lived my life on one meal in the evening, and just juices and water for the morning and afternoon for the 22 years I have juiced
Thanks for this educative information about sugar cane
Yes , is true I have tried it, it is very good for diabetic people
Can we drink daily?
Sugar cane is an energy booster. A great one!
sugarcane is a special and natural soft juice. for every human being.
I like sugar cane.. I take it immediately after I finished playing football.. It makes me regained my strength and have apettite to eat alot..
My first time of knowing benefits of sugarcane
How is it to consume after workout?
In Nigeria, we hadly extract sugarcane juice but rather chew to cane to enjoy its benefits.
Is chewing sugarcane good and does one enjoy the benefits of the sugarcane juice. Pls advise me.
It prevents liver and kidney disease
Pls, from the study of the benefit of surger cane juice drink. if i think it can be good for treating hapitatis B. because you said, sugar cane juice prevent liver infection, jondis. am i correct or am wrong?
A Sugarcane juice is very useful in the human body, because it play an important role especially in regulating the body temper, so also it helps in reducing some body infections in a such like liver infection, kedney stone, diabetes, as well as body cancer etc. Sugarcane juice enhence the trace elements such as manganices, irons etc, in building the body as well as fighting against body infections. Last but the lists- it promote the human brain in being fresh all days long & become sharp-thinker.
I love to have sugarcane juice daily….:-)
my quetion who the fast parson that u fast drin sugecane in all they word
Please help to reduce blood pressure
Thanks for the research, I’m going to start out into practice the use of sugarcane to improve on my healthy status.
Thanks for the research, I’m going to start putting into practice the use of sugarcanes to improve on my healthy status.
Sugarcane juice is a wonderful and natural tasty drink contains many health supporting minerals and poor mens medicine.
Can it be use by obesity people?
I want to know why sugarcane lowers sexual desire in men and also why it lowers milk production in cows
I’ve just developed a habit of taking Sugar Cane and just to avoid being caught unawares I googled. Wow I’m very delighted with what I read about it. So Sugar Cane here I come
It good to know this Aqsa
This is awesome!!
Unrefined sugar from sugarcane is healthy and provides energy and is an excellent source for essential minerals like magnesium, potassium, manganese, chromium, copper and iodine. While refined white sugar contains only sugar and none of the minerals and vitamins.
This explains why white sugar is harmful for diabetic patients but sugarcane juice is beneficial for diabetic patients and the high mineral contents helps fight cancer.
There are any different between sugercane juice and sugercane bites..??
I agree with all the sugarcane benefits.Back in Africa the villagers have no toothpaste and all they eat in the morning is sugarcane , they have their teeth for so long and they are kept white
If u say sugarcane is good for diabetics what about fruits like pineapple, orange, banana and pawpaw dat is not recommended
sugercane is very sweet and good in human life, That is why i always consume it.
A very good and simple treatment for jaundice•
just taken some with some lemon and ginger…owsome
How good is this drink for Daibetes.
Sugarcane juice is perfect for men
It seems sugarcane has avery good funtions to our body thats totally cool.
I never knew how sugarcane can be helpful to me but now i know,that cool.
Is sugarcane good for pregenat women?
sugar cane is fruit or vegetable?
Why do some people prefer to chew the cuttings instead of extracting the juice with roller or machine? In my opinion, it makes no difference with the benefits of drinking the juice.
Interesting! Thanks!
Very good to know how useful sugarcane is to the body,thanks.Ghana
Sugarcane is also good for our skin? This is amazing. Good read!
Thanks for the best advice sugar cane juice
I had a soar throat for few days , i happened to chew on natural sugar cane twice a day about two to three days .
To my surprise i notice my soar throat is gone and the itching throat is gone . I was not aware of the added value of natural grow sugar cane it was great and i will remember that.
Personally, I have never met a person who doesn’t like sugarcane and does not crave for sugarcane juice when thirsty. Sugarcane juice is a hit among Indians. Get an instant energy boost with CaneRass. Revitalise yourself. Drink Canerass Pure Sugarcane Juice. Experience the love of Sugarcane Juice with us, Drink Healthy Stay Healthy, Enjoy the Refreshment of Nature.
The reason why sugarcane juice is a very popular drink is that it gives an instant kick of energy and quenches the thirst. Sugarcane juice is a very good source of glucose which helps to re-hydrate the human body and gives a boost of energy. http://canerass.com/
As we know sugarcane juice is very healthy for us, but this juice available at stalls (Raraswati) on the roadside are maintained unhygienically because of which this healthy juice at stalls can cause you diseases. At Canerass juice is hygienically packed with all food graded SS304 equipment’s. Proper majors as per FSSAI and FDI are taken care off at our facility.
Secondly, other packed juices contain pulps or concentrate with water, but we provide 100% pure natural juice as it is other than adding just concentrate in water.
Other packed juices available in the market contain added sugars which are against health, while we do not add any sugar.
Canerass has natural sugar which is healthy and refreshing.
Canerass will energize and refresh you naturally. In short, it’s your favorite tasty, healthy and hygienic desi juice.
Thank for anyone who takes his or her time to broadcast the important of sugarcane! God bless you!!.
I believe sugar cane fights against thirsty very well.
love it thanks
Sugarcane juice is excellent drink for all times. It is best drink compared ant alcohol or other aerated drinks.
This is so timely. Thanks a bunch.
Canerass has natural sugar which is healthy and refreshing. Canerass will energize and refresh you naturally. In short, it’s your favorite tasty, healthy and hygienic desi juice.
As we know sugarcane juice is very healthy for us, but this juice available at stalls on the roadside are maintained unhygienically because of which this healthy juice at stalls can cause you diseases. Canerass sugarcane juice will come in a packaged bottle at attractive prices. . Juice is also helpful for diabetic patients. Canerass is able to offer India’s own real flavor in the most hygienic and refreshing form. Canerass has natural sugar which is healthy and refreshing. Canerass will energize and refresh you naturally.
hi afternoon,
sugarcane juice contains vitamins or not? in some reports I read like yes, but then i read no… im confused.
thanks so much for this am pregnant ad i take sugarcane every week
Alamboada J. A. Awanzam, from Ghana.
I appreciate your extensive coverage of sugarcane health benefits. My question is; is sugar juice good for the health of the aged (50yrs +)
Sugarcane juice has many health benefits and it is proven time to time by doctors and scientists all around the world. Also, in Ayurveda sugarcane juice has been considered very healthy drink. Now it is available in packed bottled. At Canerass juice is hygienically packed with all food graded SS304 equipment’s. Proper majors as per FSSAI and FDI are taken care off at our facility.
Secondly, other packed juices contain pulps or concentrate with water but we provide 100% pure natural juice as it is other than adding just concentrate in water.
thanks so much
Its true sugercane. Juicy gives energy to someone who is weak .
Sugarcane juice has many health benefits and it is proven time to time by doctors and scientists all around the world. Also, in Ayurveda sugarcane juice has been considered a very healthy drink
Sugarcane juice has a very good amount of Calcium, Iron, Magnesium, and Phosphate which are needed for the human body. Sugarcane juice contains many Vitamins like Vitamin A, C, B1, B2, B3, B5, and B6. Sugarcane juice is rich in antioxidants and fibres which helps to fight viral infections and cancer.
Now we have launched a packed sugarcane juice known as Canerass a sugarcane juice.
Canerass juice is hygienically packed with all food graded SS304 equipment’s. Proper majors as per FSSAI and FDI are taken care off at our facility.
Awesome Taste
Anti Oxidant
100% Natural
Repair Body.
Sugarcane is good for our health.
i love to drink sugarcane everyday
Sir , I went to know .i need to increasing my sperm egg
i like and drink it too much.
Yes we hear some benefi,so what are the effect of it.
My family members every time say that I am wasting my time here at
net, except I know I am getting experience all the time by reading
thes good articles or reviews.
I really appreciate you being serious about this health benefits of sugar cane. It is really a great thing to know much about this plant. It has a lot to provide for human’s body. Thanks a lot.
Can a man suffering with dental problem use sugarcane as remedy by salim salisu tofa zamfara state nigeria
Bush sugar can. Can one use for internal heat,gonorao infection,thyphoid..how do i take .can a pregnant take iT
Thank you for the information about the benefits of sugar cane that you provide
I agree with all my dear
Thanx for shearing educative information , amazing article
All the best
Very educative information, thank you