Given the fast paced life that we all lead, we seldom pay attention to our health. Our health is definitely not on our priority list. It’s an irony of life that we get so busy earning money throughout our early years of life that our health is neglected, and then we spend the rest of the life spending the well earned money on bettering our health.
What can we do about it? Of course the direct answer to it is to ‘Eat right and Exercise Regularly’.
Now when I talk about exercise, the immediate answer to this would be “I hardly find time to do it”. Some people even shell out loads of money and join a gym but invariably end up being irregular.
The question is… do we really need to spend hours on exercise every day to get fit? Not at all! Even if you extract 1 % of your day i.e. about 15 minutes and get into some quick exercises, it will do wonders to your body! Believe me, it will!
An ideal exercise schedule should include a combination of cardio and strengthening exercises. Cardio exercises are the ones which pump up your heart rate and enhance your blood circulation. Strengthening exercises are the ones which work on your muscles, breaking them down and then recuperating them at a faster rate. It’s very essential to have a mix of both to have great fitness levels and a good body. Only cardio exercises might make you lose your muscles thus making your body flabby. Toning up is very important which is why strengthening plays an equally important role.
A simple brisk walk or a jog is a cardio exercise. You can use “walk-n-talk” method and get your 15 minute brisk walk done. If travelling by vehicle, you can park your car 15 minutes away from office and walk it up. The cab/bus travelers can get down 2 stops prior and walk it up to office. If that’s not all, you can avoid using the elevators and walk up the floors.
That’s about cardio exercises which could be done in no time and could be well adjusted in your working hours.
Now let me list down some strengthening exercises which could be done anywhere and wouldn’t consume much of your time
1) Squats:
It’s a lower body workout and helps strengthening your core (abs and trunk from the belly all around to the back), gluteus (butt and upper back thigh) and quadriceps (front thighs)
2) Pushups:
It’s an upper body workout that works on your chest, triceps and shoulders.
3) Plank:
It supports both, lower and upper body and works on gluteus and core
4) Burpees:
It’s actually a full body workout. It works on chest, shoulders, triceps, hip flexors (side hips) and core
5) Lunges:
It’s a lower body workout and strengthens your lower back, quadriceps and core.
These are the exercises which have worked quite miraculously for many. Make sure you have no knee pain or back pain before you start with these. Moreover, it’s quite crucial to have the right posture while performing these.
So get started, get active. I am sure it’s not as difficult as it looks. And trust me, Excuses don’t burn calories… they really don’t!…..Exercises do!
Yeah These Exercises are great and have helped me a lot.
Yes Darshan! You are totally on track!
YOU are back again with simple tips presented in the even simplest way,
thats ur USP i guess and thats the reason i wait for your blogs ,blogs after blogs.
thank you so much to make simple difference in my life.
Thanks a lot Rohit!!