It cannot be denied, sex if consensual can be a lot of fun and has numerous benefits. In this blog, I will refer to ‘sex’ as ‘making love’, since that is exactly what I mean. The article will take you through the benefits of “making love” and not “sex”! So if you have a partner who is not that much “into it”, get them to read this blog and be ready for some fun!
Psychological Effect:
Making love has numerous psychological benefits. I am not referring to people into extensive meditation and the ones who have been able to channelise this sexual energy. But, for us ‘mortals’, sex is healthy. There is a deep energetic connection that bonds two people when they make love and it is not just the intermingling of juices.
Kamasutra not only describes the different ways to physical intimacy but, also speaks about equally involving your partner and developing a synergy for greater fulfilment. The physical bond builds an emotional connect which eventually leads to a happy family life. If you want to feel more connected to your partner, consider the simple act of saying “yes” to your partner, and see the shift in dynamics. If you’re both honoring each other correctly, sex will most likely help you feel closer to your love. Not to mention suppression of this primal need can distract a person from his routine activities, so might as well just do it and be happy.
Physical Effect:
Making love releases endorphins and oxytocin, and these feel-good hormones activate pleasure centers in the brain that create feelings of intimacy and relaxation, keeping anxiety and depression at bay. You don’t have to climax for the effects but, there is a surge of soothing hormones if you have an orgasm.
The same endorphins that help you de-stress can also relax your mind and body, and makes you sleep well. But, if you’re wild in the sack, highly active session can make you feel more energized than sleepy. Let it not be a snooze but, if you are sleeping thereafter, opt for a subdued session.
The endorphins that are released during an orgasm closely resemble morphine, and they effectively relieve pain. Have a migraine?? Even if your partner isn’t around, medicate by treating yourself with some solo sex!
Use your healthy days as sex days! People who have sex regularly were found to have higher levels of an antibody called immunoglobulin A (IgA), according to researchers at Wilkes University in Pennsylvania. These antibodies help combat diseases, enhances immunity & keeps the body safe from colds and flu.
Making love decreases the risk of prostate cancer as well. What better reason than this to slip into sheets with your partner!
Apart from making you feel good, making love makes you young and vital due to release of testosterone and estrogen. Estrogen also promotes soft skin and shiny hair.
The uterus contracts during orgasms and in the process, rids the body of cramp-causing compounds. The increased number of uterine contractions can also help expel blood and tissue more quickly, helping to end your period faster.
Sexual activity = modest workout on a treadmill. A romp can burn anywhere from 85 to 250 calories, depending on the length of the session. Your abs, back muscles, butt & thighs get a good workout.
It is also a workout for your pelvic floor muscles. When you have an orgasm, it causes contractions in those muscles, which strengthens them.
Slipping into the sheets with the one you love lowers your blood pressure & is good for your heart, because you are naturally in a relaxed state. It lowers your cholesterol by tipping the high density lipoprotein (HDL)/ Lower density lipoprotein (LDL). It keeps your estrogen and testosterone levels in balance; unbalance increases risk of osteoporosis and even heart disease.
Remember, the benefits listed above is for “making love” which implies consensual physical intimacy. Ensure when you indulge, it is consensual and preferably with one partner. Multiple partners creates a havoc with the body apart from creating risk of STDs (Many Indian scriptures stress on having one sexual partner because the cells in our body remember every physical touch on a subconscious level. Too many physical interaction lead to psychological & physical issues.).
Be safe and have a good time!
Good article…very useful
Nice article on how we get benefits on simply love ..
Highly useful blog synopsis. Now a days, as a busy professional, like mine, millions of others facing the problem is: though we could able to make our moods n minds to make love for fun, mostly offer pleasure to life partner, is ending up unfortunately in few seconds due to PREMATURE EJACULATION PROBLEMS. Hope, we can expect a useful blog on same topic also in future!
Good article.
Good article….
Good indepth analysis Dr. Viral!
Keep on with your good work!God Bless!
good knowledge about the subject.
Nice read
Good research work done
Superb … i m sure i will help many couple to understand the true meaning of being in love by making love and building up healthy relationship.
Very informative article.Along with the fun part,the healthy impact is worth mentioning.
Dr Viral, that is the right way of looking at it . In our traditional society , we still talk it behind doors.
This is also important to remove the myths surrounding it .
Yes, It is true, as we women when we approach menopause , we add weight . We drift away from this . That is noticable , as the lower body abdominal girth starts increasing in proportion.
Good to hear!!!