Active Sunday on a beach
Sunday’s are generally considered the day to laze around. But, did you know that it is actually the first day of the week and not the last day. Yes! You heard me right Sundays are the first day of the week. Hence, being active on the first day of the week keeps you going for the rest of the week.
GOQii introduced the concept of ‘Active Sunday’ 3 years ago. In Active Sunday, GOQii players are invited for a one-hour active work out session in the outdoor with the expert trainers and coaches of GOQii. This movement is not only for the players but it is seeing active participation from GOQii employees and the CEO Vishal Gondal himself being present and exercising with all. The movement caught on and we had many users who resonated with this thought process. This prompted us to get some of our regular attendees to take charge and start their own Active Sunday chapters in their vicinity.
Swarup Chougule, a regular at Active Sunday for the last 2 years says, “Active Sunday is the most fruitful way of engaging yourself on a Sunday. The nice chill in the air and gentle sunlight sets the mood for a good training routine. We meet many like-minded people and the group keeps motivating each other to stay healthy. The concept fits perfectly into the idea of a ‘Healthy Community Life’”.

Sundays have never been better Swarup training with Goqii at Active Sunday
Similarly, Anitha Rao, an active GOQii player in her 50s can give youngsters a run for their money. She is more active and energetic than most half her age. While in Mumbai Anitha, used to look forward to Active Sunday session where she could meet likely minded people. “This is much needed. Most people are too stressed out and at times lonely and shy too. They just need a bit of push and motivation to get out of their comfort zone. Also, each one is unique and one can learn from one and other. Anitha has been leading active Sunday’s in Bengaluru and is our first woman GOQii Champion.
Anitha’s Active Sunday ranges from walking, running, swimming, yoga and trekking
Research indicates that exercising is good for health. As per ACSM (American College of Sports and Medicine) guidelines, a person must involve himself in physical activities at least 3 days a week. The benefits are divided into three categories Physical, mental and social benefits. Exercise helps to strengthen the heart and the cardiovascular system. It improves blood circulation, as a result, it lowers the risk of heart attack and strokes.
For the regular like Swarup and Anitha, it is their self-motivation to remain healthy and fit that drives them to be active even on a Sunday. Anitha has been championing the cause of Active Sunday in Bengaluru and has already conducted two active Sundays with GOQii players there.
The early start on Sunday morning creates ample time to connect better with the family and the community at large. The benefits of Active Sunday are many. “It is not just a workout session, but a complete package with deep interaction with people aspiring for a quality life,” says Swarup.
Being active on the first day of the week brightens and cheers you up. Everyone attending the Active Sunday is pumped up and raring to go for the rest of the day/week. “The other advantage is that it is a great way to meet like-minded people with similar or some varied interests, there is an exchange of ideas and you can learn from one another and expand your horizon,” says Anitha.
Bhavik from Pune loves cycling as an activity on a Sunday
Bhavik Shah, an active player of GOQii from Pune who is a runner and a cyclist thinks that active Sunday is a great kick-start to an otherwise lazy Sunday. He adds,”There are many reasons why I like being active on a Sunday as well, one of the primary reason being ‘Self Love via Self Care’. Apart from the obvious benefits, most people are already aware, exercise has been touted as a cure for just about anything that ails you. Frequent colds? Exercise. Poor digestion? Exercise. Feel depressed? Exercise”. Bhavik has taken the lead to conduct active Sunday workout session in his vicinity.
Give their enthusiasm to help others and motivate others to get active on a Sunday, Swarup and Anitha have been inducted as GOQii champions to take this positive movement of forward in their respective cities of Mumbai and Bengaluru.
So if you have not been a part of Active Sunday, now is your chance to join the movement in the city of Mumbai, Bengaluru, Pune, Delhi, Hyderabad and Ahmedabad.
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