He had bordered close to being overweight due to an inactive and erratic lifestyle. He blamed it on his job in the real estate sector. Secondly, he has been an asthmatic since his kinder days and has been on medication for the same. The medication has created problems in his eyes so much so that it was on the verge of leading to Glaucoma. He wanted to rectify his state of health. Moreover, his wife was into regular fitness but, he never heeded her advice. Although he was always aware he had to get better for himself and his family. Riteish’s story in his own words.
I am in the real estate business and I have been in this industry for the last 20 years. My lifestyle has been extremely erratic and I used to binge a lot especially at night. My job is such that I never had my meals on time. As a result used to eat anything anytime. When I was younger it was fine I could cope with it. But, as age catches up this kind of erratic lifestyle brings with it several medical issues. I already am an asthmatic since my kinder days.
But, the one good thing that I have learned from my parents is to get an annual medical check-up done. This annual check-up gives you a clear indication of where you stand in terms of your health statistics. I wasn’t in good shape as per the reports. I was 95 kilos, sugar was borderline, hypertension could have become a concern and due to my asthmatic medication, the pressure in my eye was high which could eventually lead to Glaucoma I was told by my doctor. The net result of all these issues was that I was not in good shape. I wanted to change but, I was not able to do anything on my own.
My wife is very regular with her fitness and even runs marathons. She was running the marathon early this Jan and I had gone with her to the expo to collect her BIB. On my way out, I stopped by at the GOQii stall. I started chatting with one of the GOQii personnel who was explaining GOQii and its concept to me. I found it appealing.
I immediately chose GOQii for its comfort, ease of use, design, tracking features and above all the coaching factor and Karma points – all of which I loved. My physical activity will appear on my wrist using one button which makes it super easy to use. Having all my stats linked, recorded, and easily accessible on my phone and be monitored regularly by my coach who would be able to easily check-in on my progress seemed fantastic to me.
I spoke to my coach Dr. Amrita Saghu and discussed my problems with her in detail. My health goal was to lose 10 kilos within 3-4 months. She brought about a few changes in my lifestyle. I started to go for brisk walks, playing Tennis, made changes in food with the inclusion of fruits.
She also gave me weekly challenges such a sugar-free week, increasing AB exercises, stair climbing –first slow and then increased the intensity. Over the last three months since I have got the band I have been doing a whole lot. On a daily basis, I have been clocking an average of 12-13K steps. I have also started playing Tennis seriously.
Sometimes when I think about myself and how I went in for GOQii program, I find it funny. Funny because my wife is into fitness and a trainer herself but, never once did I bother to listen to her and her warnings. Every time she would ask me to get back on track I would make excuses. But, when I realized I had gone overboard with being unhealthy and decided to go in for a fitness band. It is after I got on the GOQii platform that I realized I had to remove time for myself and my health. If I do not make an effort then nobody can help me.
The lifestyle change has done well for me. I work out regularly, I am conscious about what I am eating and my meals are more wholesome now. My asthma is also under control. As per my health goal that I had set for myself I have part reached my goal. In 3 months I have lost about 7 kilos. My target is to get to 78 kilos. Proper nutrition and exercise tips helped him to get back on track. I have attended one or two GOQii active Sundays and also attended Luke Coutinho’s webinar on how to get the best out of your coach.
Tracking my physical activity through GOQii inspires me to keep moving. With so much on I can overcome time challenge by regularly monitoring my daily steps and pushing myself to make sure I reach my target if I feel I’m falling short. My coach and my own effort are helping me hit my target of 12k-13k steps walking and through other activities each day. ‘If I am fit my family is fit’.
How do I feel about myself? I feel great about myself. I am more confident and above all, I feel very positive. My happiness knew no bounds when I went to the store to buy myself a T-shirt and instead of an XXL I, this time around picked an XL T-shirt. My wife is also happy about the change I have undergone. People around me are all seeing this change in me and are amazed.
What does Coach Dr. Amrita Saghu have to say about RiteishParwani?
Riteish has been an active person right from the start. His goal was weight reduction. We started with regularizing his diet which was erratic prior to joining GOQii. There were large gaps between his main meals that were contributing to him eating unhealthy food on a regular basis. Apart from that, he would eat a heavy meal in one sitting. After getting on the GOQii platform he has become very conscious about what he eats. We added fruits and salads in his daily diet. The gap between his meals was reduced. Healthy snacks were introduced. His own efforts and dedication were enormous. He would share his exercise plans, diet plans with me daily. We would talk about the health benefits of the fruit or vegetable that he would be having later in the day. He also suffers from Asthma, with the exercise and the medicines he is experiencing a lot of improvement. His commitment towards his health is excellent. The two things that we work together on are Riteish’s effort and dedication and GOQii’s coaching which has helped him achieve his goals. I am sure that Riteish’s success story will inspire a lot of people who want to lead a healthy life.
Same to you. I also inspired for GOQII service..