I often wonder should I go out with my friends. While, I am very cautious about my eating habits, I can’t control my urge to eat junk food when I am out with friends. Then, I think to myself should I really eat all this junk food that will affect my health? Another thought that crept in my mind was should I just stop going out with friends so I can avoid eating wrong things? And then I realized the solution to the problem is not socializing with friends but eating right things.
I am sure no one would like to give up on their social life just because they don’t know what to eat when they are out. Here are a few points if followed well you can enjoy a social life as well as eat outside
Follow the GPRS rule. G Stands for Grilled, P stands for Poached, R stands for Roasted and S stands for Steam.
Grilled Food- Grill is a piece of cooking equipment where the cooking surface consists of an open rack or grate with a heat source underneath depending on the type of Grill. Heat source can be open flame (Gas or Charcoal) or electricity. Grilling is a form of cooking that involves dry heat applied to the surface of food, commonly from above or below.
Examples – Grilled Chicken, Grilled Sandwich Grilled Fish.
Poached Food- Poaching is a type of moist heat cooking technique that involves having an item cooked by submerging it in liquid, such as water, milk, stock or wine. It is often considered as a healthy method of cooking because it does not use fat to cook or flavor the food. For poaching the temperature used is relatively low (about 71-82 degree celcius). This temperature range makes it particularly suitable for delicate food, such as eggs, poultry, fish and fruits, which might easily fall apart or dry out using other cooking methods.
Examples – Poached Egg, poached Fish, poached Chicken and vegetables.
Roasted Food– Roasting is a form of cooking that uses hot dry air to cook food, whether an open flame, oven or other heat source. Roasting browns the surface of the food which in turn develops complex flavors and aromas.
Examples – Roasted chicken, Roasted Fish and roasted papad and nuts.
Steam food– Steaming consists of cooking food by setting it above a hot, boiling liquid, and letting the steam from the liquid cook the food.
Examples of Steam Food- Steamed Dim Sum or Momos, Steamed rice.
If incase you are unable to follow the GPRS rules of cooking while you are out, then make sure, the very next day after you have eaten outside junk food ensure you burn the extra calorie intake that has happened by a good work out.
I understood, what GPRS rule is. But how do I implement in daily schedule?
That is the challenge. Can you please give some more details?